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Introduction to History of the Equine Domestication of Horses

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1 Introduction to History of the Equine Domestication of Horses
Equine Science 1 Introduction to History of the Equine Domestication of Horses

2 Original Uses of Horses
Draft Transportation Warfare Art and mythology Food (flesh was used in prehistoric times)

3 Pleasure? Why was the horse not originally used for pleasure as it is today? Restraint and control was not suitable until bits and other tack used for control was invented

4 Today? Horses are used for sports Racing Competitive shows Rodeos
Pleasure riding

5 Herbivores: horses eat plant material and no meat
Makeup of the horse: Herbivores: horses eat plant material and no meat Structured such that horses are excellent runners for their size and weight.

6 Equus cavallus Equus cavallus is the genus and species name given to our present day horses

7 Changing horses: Eohippus: earliest horse Also called Hyracotherium
Discovered by Max Small animal about the size of a fox or dog Fossils found indicate that they existed about 54 million years ago in the Northern Hemisphere Eohippus were 2 ft long and 8 inches tall

8 Eohippus Four toes on the front and 3 toes on the hind feet
Head was elongated and had 44 teeth


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