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Factory Farming, and Why It’s Wrong

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1 Factory Farming, and Why It’s Wrong
by: Milcary Cruz

2 What is factory farming?
Factory farming is when people, usually big companies, take the traditional ideas of farming, and twists it so they can squeeze out all the benefits they possibly can. When most people think of farming, they think about the red barn, big silo, with pens of cattle, chicken coops, small rows of maize and other crops. Factory farms however look completely industrial, some fo the animals don’t even get to see sunlight. As many cattle possible squished into a acre of land, cows fed unnatural diets of corn and bits of cows.

3 Traditional farming to factory farming

4 Issues with factory farming
Unfair treatment to the animals Unfair treatment to the workers Harmful to the environment Harmful to general populations health Unclean processing conditions

5 What we can do to change things for the better
in order to make a difference for the better, we have to change the FDA food standards, make them more efficient. There should be regulations on how the animal is treated, the conditions it’s living in, along with the way it’s killed and processed. If we do not improve the conditions in which we process our food, we will continue to hurt it, our selves, and the world that we live in.

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