Working Group European Statistical Data Support 21 April 2016

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Presentation on theme: "Working Group European Statistical Data Support 21 April 2016"— Presentation transcript:

1 Working Group European Statistical Data Support 21 April 2016
ASSIST Patrick Müller / Franca Lanzillotta Unit B4– Digital Dissemination Working Group European Statistical Data Support 21 April 2016

2 Overview of implemented or soon to be implemented improvements
Knowledge database content Reporting of timeliness in answering online requests Automatic invitation for user feedback Extraction of user requests Flag a request as N/A (foreseen)

3 KdB content

4 KdB content - 2

5 KdB content - 3

6 Reporting on timeliness in answering requests

7 Reporting on timeliness in request treatment

8 Reporting on timeliness in request treatment

9 Reporting on timeliness in answering requests

10 Reporting on timeliness in answering online requests

11 Reporting on timeliness in answering online requests

12 Reporting on timeliness in answering online requests

13 Reporting on timeliness in answering online requests

14 Reporting on timeliness in answering online requests

15 Automatic invitation for user feedback
Can be activated individually for each support centre Automatic notification sent to the user after a specified delay once the request status becomes 'Resolved' – delay can be set between 1-9 days messages can be translated in different languages User feedback form is external to ASSIST

16 Automatic invitation for user feedback – email example
Dear Patrick MÜLLER, You have recently contacted Eurostat's user support network. With a view to continual service improvement, we would like to have your opinion. It won’t take more than 2-3 minutes. Could you please reply to a few questions by clicking on ? Thank you in advance for your participation, Eurostat User Support Service

17 Extraction of user requests

18 Extraction of user requests - parameters

19 Extraction of user requests – Excel

20 Flag a request as N/A (foreseen)
When requests should not be counted in quarterly reports User support members can flag such request but, if needed can still treat it

21 Thank you! Any questions?

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