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Nationalism Review.

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1 Nationalism Review

2 Nationalism What is Nationalism? What is Self-Determination?
A feeling of strong devotion to one’s country - (a group that shares common language and heritage) What is Self-Determination? Belief that a nation has the right to rule themselves (self-rule)

3 Latin America (early 1800s)
Causes Effects Key Player -American & French Revolutions Enlightenment Ideas & Educated Class (Creoles) Harsh Spanish Rule/ Mercantilism -Independence! Regionalism Economic dependence on West (cash-crop economies) Unequal land and wealth distribution -Simon Bolivar Jose de San Martin Toussaint L’Ouverture

4 Germany (1870s) Causes Effects Key Player
-Rise of Prussia & the Zollverein (trade union) -“Blood & Iron” (militarism) -Realpolitik -Franco-Prussian War -Unified Germany under Kaiser William I -Becomes strong and militaristic -Upsets Balance of Power  WWI -Otto Von Bismarck

5 Italy (1870s) Causes Effects Key Player -Weak Italian city-states
-Diplomacy and War (drive out Austrian power) Created one unified Italian State Victor Emmanuel crowned King Giuseppe Garibaldi Guiseppe Mazzini Camillo di Cavour

6 Ireland(1845-1995) Causes Effects Key Player Mass Migration
Independent Ireland with North Ireland ruled by British -Terrorism between Protestant North and Catholic -English control of Ireland Irish Potato Famine- British continued taking healthy crops Bitterness between Irish Catholics and Protestants -Irish Republican Army (IRA)- a terrorist group

7 India (1920s-1940s) Causes Effects Key Player Partition of India
Independent Hindu India & Muslim Pakistan Religious and Ethnic Conflict Nuclear proliferation Indian Democracy - British Imperialism -Sepoy Mutiny (anti-West) –Gandhi’s Civil Disobedience (Salt March, boycott, fasting) Indian National Congress Gandhi Jawaharlal Nehru

8 Zionism (Mid-1800s-1947) (movement to create homeland for Jews in Palestine)
Causes Effects Key Player - Anti-Semitism -Balfour Declaration (British support of cause) -Holocaust 1948 Israel a Jewish state formed Major conflict between Israel and neighboring Arab countries Palestinian Arab refugees Peace prevented by extremists Israeli settlement building -Theodor Herzl -U.N. -Palestine Liberation Organization -1979 Camp David Accords (Sadat & Begin) -1993 Oslo Peace Accords (Arafat & Rabin)

9 China (1839-1920s) Causes Effects Key Player
Western Imperialism (Opium War & Treaty of Nanjing) Spheres of Influence Weakness of Qing dynasty Boxer Rebellion (anti- West) 1911-overthrow of Qing dynasty and form representative gov’t -Rise of Guomindang or Nationalist Party 1949-China becomes Communist Sun Yixian (SunYat-sen) Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kai-shek)

10 Africa (Post- WWII) Causes Effects Key Player
European empires weakened (post WWII) African colonies helped European war effort Independent African nations Ethnic Conflict (Rwanda, Sudan) Poverty/ disease of developing nations corrupt government Jomo Kenyatta Kwame Nkrumah Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu

11 Balkans (Eastern Europe)
Causes Effects Key Player Balkan Powder Keg WWI (assassination of Archduke Ferdinand) Bosnian conflict: Ethnic cleansing Serbs vs. Muslims The Black Hand, Gavrilo Princip Slobodan Milosevic Many ethnic groups under rule of empires (Austria-Hungary) - End of communism break up of Yugoslavia

12 Former USSR (1991) Causes Effects Key Player
-Communist Reforms (glasnost and perestroika) - Desire for Self-Rule among satellites and soviet republics in Eastern Europe Collapse of Soviet Union Independent Eastern European nations and Russia  form democracy Mikhail Gorbachev Boris Yeltsin

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