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Mrs. Rice’s Weekly News March 21-25, 2016 We Are Studying…..

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Rice’s Weekly News March 21-25, 2016 We Are Studying….."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Rice’s Weekly News March 21-25, 2016 We Are Studying…..
Reading: Genre focus: myths. We will be continue to practicing summarizing. We will continue to work on homophones, word choice, contractions and problem and solution. Exciting news: We are in “teams” for a March Madness reading competition. Be sure to ask your child about what team they are on and how they are doing. Writing: We will continue to work on organizing our writing with a clear beginning, middle and end.. Math: The metric system! We are measuring in centimeters now! Spelling: words with a, aw, augh, ai, ough, and au Social Studies: We will continue working on map skills. Star Citizen This week’s star citizen is: Aderyon Blackburn Calendar Updates March 22nd Title One Family Night Spring Pictures: March 24. YMCA Swimming Lessons:Just a reminder that we will take swim lessons during school hours at the YMCA daily during the weeks of March 21st and March 28 th. Please send students to school wearing their bathing suits and swim trunks underneath their clothing. They will need to bring a towel, brush or comb, underwear, and a bag to put them into each day. We will have very limited time to prepare for swim lessons as we continue with instruction so having these things prepared will help us continue with our regular instructional day. I appreciate all of the volunteers that have agreed to help with swim lessons during these weeks. We will mainly need assistance after swim lessons when students are changing back into their regular clothing in the locker rooms. We will need parental assistance keeping students focused on changing since we will be on a tight schedule. April 4th – 8th Spring Break April 20th Field Trip - Explorium Field Trip We are in need of tissues, pencils and treats for our treat box. Box Tops: Please continue to send those in for us! A.R. Update Student: __________________ A.R. Average:_______% (Goal 100%) % of Goal Met ______% Weekly Goal 10% Students must be at 100% of their AR goal by the end of the nine week grading period. Contact me at Karen.r Or check out our classroom website at:

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