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The Failure of Popular Sovereignty

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1 The Failure of Popular Sovereignty
Bleeding Kansas The Failure of Popular Sovereignty

2 Flashback to Missouri Compromise

3 The Transcontinental Railroad
To fully take advantage of Manifest Destiny, Americans start to push for a railroad that will connect the country from East Coast to West Coast North and South fight over where to put the railroad

4 The Gadsden Purchase Franklin Pierce’s Secretary of War Jefferson Davis sends James Gadsden to purchase this land from Mexico for $10 Million- opens up Southern railroad route.

5 Stephen Douglas The Little Giant has other ideas! He wants the railroad to go through Illinois.

6 The Kansas-Nebraska Act- 1954
Repealed the Missouri Compromise Created 2 territories- Kansas and Nebraska Slavery in both territories would be determined by popular sovereignty Nebraska would most definitely be a free state while Kansas could possibly be a slave state Bill pushed through by Stephen Douglas

7 The Kansas Nebraska Act

8 Reaction to Kansas-Nebraska
Supported by all Southerners and some Northern Democrats Supported by President Franklin Pierce (Dem) Most Northerners are furious- We had a deal with the Miss. Compromise Creates controversy across the country

9 Other Effects: Divides Northern Democrats
Divides and destroys the Whig Party Most importantly- leads to the creation of the Republican Party

10 Popular Sovereignty= Epic Fail
The vote in Kansas is extremely corrupt and ends up being for pro-slavery 1,500 registered voters and 6,307 votes are cast Border Ruffians cross the border from Missouri to illegally vote

11 John Brown and the Pottawatomie Massacre
Brown and 4 sons drag pro slavery supporters from their homes and hack them to death with broadswords. Leaves their mutilated bodies as a warning to others

12 The Legacy of Bleeding Kansas
Lecompton Constitution voted down even with President Buchanan’s support Kansas becomes a free state in 1861 after secession begins John Brown becomes a controversial hero for the North North/South tensions at an all time high- Civil War is inevitable

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