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Chapter 17 section 2 The Fugitive Slave Law  The Fugitive Slave Law further divided the North and the South. Northerners were shocked when they saw.

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2 Chapter 17 section 2

3 The Fugitive Slave Law  The Fugitive Slave Law further divided the North and the South. Northerners were shocked when they saw slave catchers kidnapping African-Americans in the North.  Anyone who helped a slave escape could be fined $1,000 and jailed for 6 months. Slave catchers received $10 for every African- American they kidnapped in the North and brought to a slave owner in the South.

4 Fugitive Slave Law

5 Southern Reaction  Southerners were outraged at northern resistance to the Fugitive Slave Law. The South accused the North of breaking the Compromise of 1850. Northerners, on the other hand, were shocked by the cruelty of the law.

6 Northern Reaction to “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”  Northerners’ outrage increased when they read Harriet Beecher Stowe’s, “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”, published in 1852.  In this dramatic tale, a religious and loyal old slave named Uncle Tom is beaten to death by the orders of Simon Legree, a slave owner. This book depicted the brutality of a slave’s life on a plantation and awoke Americans to the nation’s problem.

7 Uncle Tom’s Cabin Harriet Beecher StoweUncle Tom’s Cabin

8 Election of 1852  In the election of 1852, the Democratic candidate, Franklin Pierce defeated the Whig candidate, General Winfield Scott.  Democratic Slogan in 1852-”In 1844 we Polked you, in 1852 we are going to Pierce you”.  Election of 1852  Franklin Pierce (Democrat) 14 th POTUS  V.P.-William Rufus de Vane King

9 Election of 1852 Franklin Pierce 14 th POTUSGeneral Winfield Scott

10 President Pierce promised to enforce the Compromise of 1850.

11 Kansas-Nebraska Act  Americans hoped the issue of slavery had been settled. Americans’ hopes were ruined when Senator Stephen A. Douglass proposed the Kansas-Nebraska Act in 1854. Douglass wanted a transcontinental railroad to begin in his home state of Illinois and run to California. He won southern support for the route by calling for popular sovereignty in the Kansas and Nebraska Territories.  Transcontinental railroad- a rail line across the continent

12 Kansas-Nebraska Act 1854 Stephen A. DouglassKansas-Nebraska Act Map

13 Bleeding Kansas  Violence erupted in Kansas as pro and anti slavery settlers competed for control of territorial legislature. Killings by “Border Ruffians” from Missouri and by abolitionist leader John Brown started a year long war.

14 The Return Of the Republican Party  Meanwhile anti slavery northerners formed the Republican party. The New Republican party platform opposed the Kansas-Nebraska Act and the Fugitive Slave Law.  platform-a statement of a political party’s beliefs

15 Election of 1856  In the Election of 1856, The New Republican Party candidate John C. Fremont ran against Democratic candidate, James Buchanan.  James Buchanan (Democrat) 15 th POTUS  V.P.-John C. Breckinridge

16 Election of 1856 James Buchanan-15 th POTUS V.P. John C. Breckinridge

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