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TRASHKETBALL Review for Unit 6 Test.

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Presentation on theme: "TRASHKETBALL Review for Unit 6 Test."— Presentation transcript:

1 TRASHKETBALL Review for Unit 6 Test

2 What supreme court case legalized segregation?

3 Plessy v. Ferguson

4 Why did conflict with natives increase during the late 1800s?

5 Increased westward expansion

6 Define the Gospel of Wealth.

7 Wealthy have the responsibility to help the poor

8 Name two reasons imperialism began in the United States

9 Need for resources, trade, competition with other European countries, white man’s burden/social Darwinism, naval power, spreading Christianity

10 What was the premise of the Chinese Exclusion Act?

11 Prohibited Chinese laborers from entering the United States

12 Why did the United States declare war on Spain?

13 USS Maine explosion, yellow journalism revealing treatment of Cubans

14 List three goals of the Populist movement.

15 Direct election of senators, free & unlimited coinage of silver, sub treasury, one term for president, nationalize railroads, graduated income tax

16 Describe the difference in horizontal & vertical integration

17 Horizontal- buy out competitors, vertical- buy out all phases of manufacturing

18 List three problems farmers faced during the Gilded Age.

19 Low prices, overproduction, control from railroads

20 What were two goals of the Dawes Act?

21 Assimilation, putting Native Americans on reservations/ taking away land, ending tribal identities

22 What groups would have supported the Chinese Exclusion Act the most?

23 Labor Unions, workers

24 What industry did each of these men control:
Carnegie Rockefeller Vanderbilt J.P. Morgan

25 Steel Oil Railroads Banking

26 What was the 14th amendment?

27 Gave African Americans citizenship

28 What is the Social Gospel? What does it contradict?

29 Churches have responsibility to help poor, Gospel of Wealth

30 What did monopolists use to justify their wealth?

31 Social Darwinism

32 Describe the corruption of Tammany Hall and Boss Tweed.

33 Graft, bribery, fraudulent elections

34 What was the one positive thing that Tammany Hall/Boss Tweed did?

35 Provided services to immigrants

36 What limited former slaves freedom immediately following Reconstruction?

37 Black Codes

38 How did immigration change during the Gilded Age?

39 Immigration from Southern and Eastern Europe/Asia rather than Western/central Europe

40 What were the criticisms of monopolies?

41 Could set prices, took away chance for individual opportunity

42 How were railroads able to expand during the Gilded Age?

43 Government subsidies

44 What is the justification used in the Supreme Court Case Plessy v
What is the justification used in the Supreme Court Case Plessy v. Ferguson?

45 Separate but equal

46 Why did labor unions form during the late 1800s?

47 Influence of monopolies, poor wages and working conditions

48 Who were the main leaders of the Anti Imperialist Leaders?

49 Mark Twain, William Jennings Bryan

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