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Access and Rights Now Reengaging Adolescents in Treatment and Care.

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Presentation on theme: "Access and Rights Now Reengaging Adolescents in Treatment and Care."— Presentation transcript:

1 Access and Rights Now Reengaging Adolescents in Treatment and Care

2 Objectives:  Advocate for integration of peer-led Peer Support models at health facilities Demonstrate the power of peer-led approaches in the provision of child and adolescent-friendly service Provide promising practices on integration of peer-led services in health facilities to promote adolescent-friendly attitudes amongst health workers

3 Ice breaker Find a partner Spend 2 minutes telling your partner
About your organisation Why you are here What you hope to get out of this session Swop Switch partners

4 Power of Peer Support models
IDENTIFIED NEED Health worker shortage Expert Patient Programme REACH Peers2Zero 2007 2015 2016 LESSONS Critical importance of peer support LESSONS Importance of context & need for strengthened voice of YPLHIV within health settings

5 Peers2Zero (P2Z) Consortium between PATA and AY+
Paediatric AIDS Treatment for Africa, (PATA) is an action network of frontline healthcare providers caring for HIV-infected children and adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa with an aim to improve paediatric & adolescent HIV treatment, care & support. African Young Positives Network (AY+) is a regional network for and by YPLHIV across the African Continent to empower YPLHIV to mitigate negative impacts through friendship-building, sharing & social connections. P2Z brings together frontline healthcare workers and HIV+ youth to inform and design adolescent-friendly HIV service (AFHS) with a focus on YPLHIV being actively involved in assessing, delivering and influencing services that most affect them. (Uganda, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Ethiopia, Tanzania and 1 more TBC)

6 Methodology Application process and selection
MoUs and quarterly grant dis­bursements (stipends, their supervision, advocacy activities and programme administration) Peer Supporter recruitment and integration: Each facility recruits 2-4 Peer Supporters against set criteria Contract with conditions of service Capacity building: Training Toolkits and guidance On site mentoring Whatsapp Community of Practice Monthly telephonic check-ins Occasional site visits and Link to national network structure

7 Impact Improved linkage and retention Psychosocial support
Children and Adolescents on Treatment 36,048 100 Peer Supporters in 38 facilities Children, Adolescents and Adults on Treatment 190,224 P2Z brings together frontline healthcare workers and HIV+ youth to inform and design adolescent-friendly HIV service (AFHS) with a focus on YPLHIV being actively involved in assessing, delivering and influencing services that most affect them. (Uganda, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Ethiopia, Tanzania and 1 more TBC) Improved linkage and retention Psychosocial support

8 Stigma-free communities
Viral suppression retention Peer relationships Family Access to care Social support Education employment Provider support Stigma-free communities Hope for the future Impact

9 Lessons - Integration Principles of integration
Mechanism: processes for adolescents led by adolescents (planning, delivering and monitoring) Adolescent-friendly orientation Opportunities for growth beyond the clinic

10 Adolescent-friendly services beyond the checklist
Δ in ALHIV and YPLHIV confidence in accessing services Δ in healthcare worker sensitivity Δ in operations

11 Peer-led activities Health talks, texting, one on one sessions
Hot seat Suggestion/ question box Library Skills building table Hospital visits Home visits Pill counting/ pharmacy support School visits Referrals Represent youth in different structures in the community Talent shows and sports

12 Discussion How to begin and then maintain quality peer-led services with adolescents in a clinic setting (how to integrate, stipends vs salary) How to support health care workers to maintain adolescent friendly attitudes How to build participatory mechanisms and share examples on ways that YPLHIV can contribute and influence decisions that affect them in a clinic setting How to collect and document evidence that can demonstrate the positive impacts of peer led approaches


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