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The Chemical Basis of Life

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1 The Chemical Basis of Life
Or, why do we need to know chemistry in biology??

2 Heirarchy of organization

3 Elements can be put together to form compounds (and molecules)
2H + 1O = H2O 2H + 2O = H2O2 CO2 CO

4 Chemical bonding Can be weak Loser Gainer Can be strong

5 Chemical bonds vs. energy
creating bonds breaking bonds Enzymes –

6 Who the heck cares??



9 Organic macromolecules of Life

10 Carbon is the basis of life
C, H, O, N are major life molecules Carbon likes to bond Food builds life

11 MONOMERS Monomers


13 Condensation reaction
or dehydration synthesis

14 Hydrolysis

15 Carbohydrates CHO Monomer is a monosaccharide
Glucose, fructose, galactose disaccharide polysaccharide QUICK NRG (sugars) and regulate body (fiber)

16 Carbohydrates can store energy for short term
Animals – as glycogen in liver, chiton in exoskeleton Plants – as starch and cellulose fiber Complex sugars like veggies (polysaccharides) are harder to digest, but give more NRG

17 Lipids CHO in long chains More than 2x the NRG of carbo’s
Monomer is a fatty acid + alcohol Fat, waxes, steroids, hormones, cholesterol, Long term NRG storage insulation; organ protection major part of cell hydrophobic

18 Proteins CHON, and functional group known as “R” Monomer is Amino Acid
Peptide bonds Alanine, lysine, tryptophan Structural component – hair, skin, muscle Catalysts for chemical RXN’s Maintain Homeostasis in cells, muscle contraction, antibodies, some hormones

19 Enzymes Special type of protein Acts to catalyze chemical RXNs
Only work within specific conditions of temp, pH and amounts


21 Nucleic Acids CHON + phosphate group Monomer is nucleotide
DNA, RNA, ATP Genetic material (DNA, RNA) “directions”, makes proteins Useable NRG of cell (ATP - adenosine tri-phosphate

22 Water’s Wet… Makes up 85% of human body maintain homeostasis
excellent solvent – “dissolves” our food! transport molecules in and out of cells

23 Healthy Diet includes:
Organic compounds Carbo’s Lipids Proteins Vitamins Inorganic Compounds Water Minerals





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