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Grammar Plot Character or Narrator Random Autobio- graphical 100 100

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Presentation on theme: "Grammar Plot Character or Narrator Random Autobio- graphical 100 100"— Presentation transcript:

1 Grammar Plot Character or Narrator Random Autobio- graphical 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

2 Rearrange the sentence to make it logical.
The teenage girl upset at her mother ran to her room and slammed the door. Rearrange the sentence to make it logical.

3 Answer: Upset at her mother, the teenage girl ran to her room and slammed the door.

4 DAILY DOUBLE Correct the sentence:
Mrs. Dela-Xiong’s library books is available to all students.

5 Mrs. Dela-Xiong’s library books are available to all students.
Answer: Mrs. Dela-Xiong’s library books are available to all students.

6 Correct the sentence: The students, who are doing well in Geometry, has prepared for the final exam.

7 Answer: The students, who are doing well in Geometry, have prepared for the final exam.

8 Out of all the football players, John are very talented.
Correct the sentence: Out of all the football players, John are very talented.

9 Out of all the football players, John is very talented.
Answer: Out of all the football players, John is very talented.

10 The cheers, which are loud, have motivated the basketball team.
Correct the sentence: The cheers, which are loud, have motivated the basketball team.

11 The cheers, which are loud, have motivated the basketball team.
Answer: Correct as is! The cheers, which are loud, have motivated the basketball team.

12 What is the beginning of a story referred to?

13 Exposition

14 What is the most exciting part of a story?

15 Climax

16 What would you call the ending of the story, where all loose ends are tied up?

17 Resolution

18 SWITCHEROO!! YOU STUDIED HARD FOR THE TEST SO TRADE YOUR POINTS WITH ANY TEAM! Explain why a typical plot diagram has a longer left side (heading in an upwards direction) than the right side which slopes downwards.

19 In most stories, a lot of information happens in rising action
In most stories, a lot of information happens in rising action. After the climax, the falling action is usually much shorter.

20 Explain foreshadowing.

21 When something in the story gives a hint or clue about what will happen in the future.

22 What is another term for the main character?

23 Protagonist

24 Give 2 of the 3 types of external conflicts character’s may deal with.

25 Man vs. man Man vs. nature Man vs. society

26 In “Thank You Ma’am”, what does the description of Mrs
In “Thank You Ma’am”, what does the description of Mrs. Jones as “she shook him until his teeth rattled” tell readers about her?

27 She’s physically strong, a no-nonsense kind of woman.

28 Name 3 different types of characters in literature.

29 protagonist antagonist minor characters dynamic static

30 Denotation is the _________ meaning of a word.

31 Dictionary/literal

32 The nickname “Husky” could have the connotation that the person is…

33 Chubby, overweight.

34 What do I figuratively mean?
When I say that something is “a piece of cake”, I don’t mean the literal meaning of it really being a piece of cake. What do I figuratively mean?

35 The task is easy or simple to do.

36 DAILY DOUBLE! Connotation is the __________ that the word suggests.

37 Feelings or emotions.

38 What is the difference between a primary source and secondary source?

39 Primary: The writer participated in the event
Primary: The writer participated in the event. Secondary: The writer did not participate but heard from others.

40 Why is writing about something meaningful the best thing to write about?

41 It is something that affects you or changes you.

42 Why should you include descriptive writing in your essay?
It appeals to __________.

43 It appeals to your senses and lets you imagine things a lot more vividly.

44 What is the better research question?
Think: General or Specific? A. Should everyone be able to drive? B. What is an acceptable age to start driving?

45 Answer: B. What is an acceptable age to start driving
Answer: B. What is an acceptable age to start driving?: Better research question- more specific without being TOO specific. Should everyone be able to drive?: Too general- narrow down your question!

46 When you write an autobiographical essay, what should you write about?
Something you remember Something that meant a lot to you

47 B) Something that meant a lot to you

48 Which of the following is sensory detail?
The long night The fun day The bone-chilling cold

49 C) The bone-chilling cold.

50 Will the Benchmark affect my grade?

51 Yes- it goes in as a test grade, so try your best!

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