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Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID)

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1 Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID)

ACTING EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S OVERVIEW 2. SECTION A: 4TH QUARTER PERFORMANCE RESULTS FOR 2015/16 2.1 Programme 1: Administration 2.2 Programme 2: Investigation and Information Management 2.3 Programme 3: Legal Services 2.4 Programme 4: Compliance Monitoring and Stakeholder Management 3. SECTION B: 4th QUARTER EXP. REPORT FOR 2015/16 4. SECTION C: 2017 MTEF BUDGET PROCESS 5. CONCLUSION

Purpose: To present to the Committee the 4th Quarter results on the implementation of IPID’s APP for 2015/16. To present 4th Quarter Expenditure Report in order to map budget to performance. (b) Overview of 4th Quarter Results The Directorate reported against a total of 47 annual targets in the 4th Quarter and 69% of targets (32 of 47) were achieved.

1. ACTING EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS’ OVERVIEW (2) SUMMARY OF PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE IN THE 4THQUARTER OF 2015/16 Programmes No. of 4th Quarter Targets Targets Achieved Targets Not Achieved % Achievement Programme 1: Administration 9 6 3 67% Programme 2: Investigations and Information Management 19 18 1 95% Programme 3: Legal Services 11 5 45% Programme 4: Compliance Monitoring and Stakeholder Management 8 63% Total 47 32 15 69%


6 Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID)
SECTION A: PERFORMANCE INFORMATION RESULTS FOR 4TH QUARTER (2015/16) Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID)

Performance Indicator Planned Annual Target 2015/16 Quarter 4 Target 2015/16 Target Achievement Comments & Corrective Measures Number of financial expenditure reports submitted 12 3 Target achieved Number of asset verifications conducted 4 1 Target achieved. Percentage vacancy rate per year <10% - 9.42% Percentage of females employed by the Directorate at senior management level 50% 47.22% Target not achieved Percentage of staff complement consisting of people with disabilities 2% 1.6% Target not achieved: Although a briefing note has been prepared providing an analysis of performance, statistical analysis based on the identified variables will be conducted in the second quarter

Performance Indicator Planned Annual Target 2015/16 Quarter 4 Target 2015/16 Target Achievement Comments & Corrective Measures Percentage of trained officials 50% 35 Target not achieved. Number of candidates enrolled on learnership programme 12 - Target was achieved in Q2 and Q3 (6 candidates were appointed in both Q2 & Q3) Number of reviews of Organisational Structure conducted per year 1 Target achieved Number of monitoring and evaluation reports produced on the attainment of strategic objectives 9 3

9 Programme 2: investigation and information management
Performance Indicator Planned Annual Target 2015/16 Quarter 4 Target Target Achievement Comments & Corrective Measures Percentage of cases registered and allocated within 72 hours of receipt of written notification 90% (4937) 90% (1235) 95% Target exceeded Number of statistical reports generated on the number and type of cases investigated, recommendations made and the outcomes thereof 18 5 Target achieved Percentage of all decision ready investigations finalised 58% (5252) 52% Target not achieved, however, consolidated results reflect that annual target has been achieved Percentage of investigations of deaths in custody cases that are decision ready (finalised) 60% (337) 60% (85) 63% Percentage of investigations of deaths as a result of police action cases that are decision ready (finalised) 50% (418) 50% (105) 45% Percentage of investigations of discharge of an official firearm cases by a police officer that are decision ready (finalised) 58% (1278) 58% (320) Percentage of investigations of rape cases by a police officer that are decision ready (finalised) 62% (153) 62% (39) 51% Percentage of investigations of rape cases while in police custody that are decision ready (finalised) 62% (17) 62% (5) 70%

10 Programme 2: investigation and information management
Performance Indicator Planned Annual Target 2015/16 Quarter 4 Target 2015/16 Target Achievement Comments & Corrective Measures Percentage of investigations of torture cases that are decision ready (finalised) 50% (52) 50% (13) 42% Target not achieved, however, consolidated results reflect that annual target has been achieved Percentage of investigations of assault cases that are decision ready (finalised) 50% (4787) 50% (1198) 53% Target achieved Percentage investigations of corruption cases that are decision ready (finalised) 50% (110) 50% (28) 48% Percentage of investigations of other criminal and misconduct matters referred to in section 28(1)(h) and 35 (1)(b) of the IPID Act that are decision ready (finalised) 50% (148) 50% (37) 45% Number of systemic corruption cases identified and referred for approval 9 11 Target exceeded Percentage of approved systemic investigations that are decision ready (finalised) 2 7 Percentage reduction of backlog cases (excluding cases of systemic corruption) 50% 68% Target exceeded. Backlog was reduced from 2909 to 927) Percentage of criminal recommendations reports referred to the National Prosecuting Authority within 30 days of recommendation report being signed-off 90% (1264) 80% 82%

11 Programme 2: investigation and information management
Performance Indicator Planned Annual Target 2015/16 Quarter 1 Target 2015/16 Target Achievement Comments & Corrective Measures Percentage of disciplinary recommendations reports referred to the SAPS/MPS within 30 days of recommendation report being signed-off. 90% (707) 80% 89% Target achieved Percentage increase of disciplinary recommendations where disciplinary processes are initiated 10% (519) 10% 28% Target exceeded

12 Programme 3: legal services
Performance Indicator Planned Annual Target 2015/16 Quarter 4 Target 2015/16 Target Achievement Comments & Corrective Measures Percentage of contracts and service level agreements finalised within 30 working days of request 90% of 48 90% 75% Target not achieved Percentage of written legal opinions provided to the directorate within 21 working days of request 90% of 85 100% Target exceeded Percentage of arbitration, civil and labour litigation matters attended Target achieved Percentage of oral legal advice provided to investigators within 24 hours of request Percentage of written legal advice provided to investigators within 48 hours of request Percentage of applications for policing powers processed within 5 days of request Percentage of policies reviewed for legal compliance within 21 working days of request Targets exceeded Number of practice notes and directives (bulletin) issued 4 1 Percentage of PAIA requests processed and finalised within 30 days Number of interventions conducted on backlog cases 9 3

13 Programme 3: compliance monitoring and stakeholder management
Performance Indicator Planned Annual Target 2015/16 Quarter 4 Target 2015/16 Target Achievement Comments & Corrective Measures Number of reports on the evaluation of the quality of IPID recommendations per year 4 1 Target achieved Number of reports on the responsiveness of SAPS/MPS/NPA on IPID Recommendations per year Number of community outreach events conducted per year 216 36 22 Target not achieved, however annual target has been achieved Number of media statements and public engagements undertaken annually 40 8 10 Target exceeded Number of responses to media enquiries released annually 150 13 Number of formal engagements on National level held with key stakeholders per year 12 5 Target not achieved, however, annual target has been achieved Number of formal engagements conducted at Provincial level with key stakeholders per year 108 26 Number of Local Community Policing Forum meetings attended per year 54 16

14 Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID)
SECTION B: FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE FOR 4TH QUARTER (2015/16) Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID)

15 Summary of Budget and Actual Expenditure for Fourth Quarter: April 2015 – March 2016
Description: Budget Allocation Actual Expenditure Available Budget % of Actual Exp. Programmes R`000 R `000 % Administration 71 934 71 537 397 99% Investigation & Information Management 143 100% Legal Services 5 763 5 734 29 Compliance Monitoring & Stakeholder Man. 4 268 4 233 35 Total for Programmes 604 Items: Economic Classifications Compensation of Employees 399 Goods and services 81 688 81 618 70 Departmental Agency & HH (Transfer) 641 623 18 97% Machinery and Equipment 2 474 2 356 117 95% Total for Economic Classifications

16 Budget and Actual Expenditure for Fourth Quarter: April 2015 – March 2016: P 1 & 2
Programme one and two Programme 1: Administration Budget Allocation Actual Expenditure Available Budget % of Actual Exp. DESCRIPTION R` % COMPENSATION OF EMPLOYEES 99% GOODS AND SERVICES 100% DEPARTMENTAL AGENCIES & ACCOUNTS & HH 297.56 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 98% ADMINISTRATION Programme 2: Investigation and Information Management Budget Allocation Actual Expenditure Available Budget % of Actual Exp. DESCRIPTION R` % COMPENSATION OF EMPLOYEES 100% GOODS AND SERVICES DEPARTMENTAL AGENCIES & ACCOUNTS & HH 91% MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 95% INVESTIGATION AND INFORMATION MAN

17 Programme three and four
Budget and Actual Expenditure for Fourth Quarter: April 2015 – March 2016: P 3 & 4 Programme three and four LEGAL SERVICES Programme 3: Legal Services Budget Allocation Actual Expenditure Available Budget % of Actual Exp. DESCRIPTION R` % COMPENSATION OF EMPLOYEES 17.78 100% GOODS AND SERVICES MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 49% 99% COMPLIANCE MONITORING &STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT Programme 4: Compliance Monitoring & stakeholder Management 97.64 95% DEPARTMENTAL AGENCIES & ACCOUNTS & HH - 1.06 COMPL MONITORING&STAKEH MAN

18 Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID)
SECTION C: IPID 2017 MTEF BUDGET PROCESS Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID)

19 IPID Strategic Plan 2015/20 and Annual Performance Plan 2015/16
2017 MTEF BUDGET KEY PRIORITY AREAS IPID Strategic Plan 2015/20 and Annual Performance Plan 2015/16 Prioritise cases relating to systemic corruption; Implementation of Marikana Farlam Commission recommendations; Awareness training for police officials on key provisions of the IPID Act (Increased target on Station Lectures); Regular Police Cells inspections; Community outreach events; Relocation of National Office – (Notice served); Specialise investigative training (quality of investigation); De – briefing of Investigators/Injection (During and After Crime Scene); Evaluation of IPID Act in conjunction with DPME; Insourcing of Cleaning and Security Services (Phases).

20 IPID Strategic Plan 2012/17 and Annual Performance Plan 2012/13
MTEF BUDGET ALLOCATION SUMMARY IPID Strategic Plan 2012/17 and Annual Performance Plan 2012/13 Budgetary baseline allocations to the IPID for the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) MTEF Baseline 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 R Million R Million R Million R Million Increase Over MTEF budget allocations 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 R 11.4 Million R 9.4 Million R 15.0 Million 4.6% 3.7% 4.3% 5.6% The increase over MTEF period is far less than the projected CPI

PROGRAMMES 2017/18 Allocation R `000 2018/19 2019/20 Administration 88 429 93 536 98 774 Investigation & Information Management Compliance & Stakeholder Management 8 538 9 129 9 571 Total for Programmes ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION Compensation of Employees Goods and services 68 504 70 317 74 255 Departmental Agency (Transfer) 609 667 704 Machinery and Equipment 212 177 187 Total for Economic Classification

22 Performance Indicators Programme
IPID ENE Current Key Performance Indicators Performance Indicators Programme Percentage of cases registered and allocated within 72 hours of written notification Investigation and Information Management Percentage of investigations of deaths while in police custody that are decision ready Percentage of investigations of deaths as a result of police action that are decision ready Percentage of investigations of rape by a police officer that are decision ready Percentage of investigations of rape while in police custody that are decision ready Number of community outreach events conducted per year Compliance Monitoring and Stakeholder Management

23 Strategies to reduce headcount
2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Headcount reduction strategies Number 1. Employee initiated severance package 2. Early retirement 3.Natural attrition (30) (5) 4. Retirements 5. Terminate contracts 6. Redeployments Total -

hrbp Financial Year 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Approved Establishment: Personnel Numbers 418 423 COE: ENE Celling : R`000 Reduction: Vacancies Personnel Numbers (14) (5) - Further Reduction: Headcount (16) Establishment to remain within the ENE Celling 388 In 1997, the Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) determined that the ideal human capacity for the then Independent Complaints Directorate (ICD) should be 535 posts. Even though the IPID directly investigates considerably more cases than its predecessor did, the planned human capacity is currently at 423 posts, far below the 535 posts that the ICD needed. This reality puts considerable pressure on the few human resources that have to deal with the heavy workload. Now reduction of limited resources

25 Implementation of Section 23 of the IPID Act;
SPENDING PRESSURES Spending pressure The implementation of the IPID Expansion Strategy to accommodate additional regional and District Offices; Full implementation of Marikana Commission report 'recommendations (External expects); Implementation of Section 23 of the IPID Act; Replacement of Information Communication Technology (ICT) infrastructure and equipment due to the warranty expiry; Implementation of Security analysis report (Security measures in both Head office and Provinces; Travel and Accommodation for Investigators Relocation of National Office

Spending pressures PRESSURE AREAS 2017/18 Allocation R `000 2018/19 2019/20 ICT Infrastructure 22 000 16 000 15 000 Security Upgrades 9 000 7 000 Relocation of National Office - Marikana Farlam Commission 5 000 3 000 Travel and Accommodation 10 000 12 000 14 000 Expansion Strategy 74 458 Total Additional Budget Request

27 Cost reduction initiatives
Development and Implementation of Resources Redistribution Strategy (allocation of resources to Provincial Offices will consider): Case Intake. Size of the Province (e.g. GP, KZN and WC). Distances travel by Investigators. Number of Investigators allocated per Province. Development and Implementation of Investigators` Travel and Accommodation Strategy, Includes: Use of Guest Houses rather than Hotels. Pairing of Investigators to share Transport . Negotiate for local office accommodation with other State Entities. Reduction of four (4) Budget Programmes to three(3) in order to share the limited resources; Implementation of insourcing of Cleaning and Security services.

IPID: 2017 MTEF Budget Allocation 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 R`000 Baseline Allocation COE: 2015 Public Sector Wage Settlement 10 000 15 000 Preliminary 2016 MTEF Allocations 2016 MTEF Budget Reduction on COE 2017 Baseline Allocation 1% General Baseline Reduction -2 555 -2 670 -2 819 Revised Allocation with 1% 2% General Baseline Reduction -5 110 -5 638 Revised Allocation with 2%

Implementation of 1 percent general baseline reduction will affect the following: Impact caused by reduction: 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Reduction of Investigators posts: 7 Reduction of key Performance Indicators Percentage of cases registered and allocated within 72 hours of written notifications 17% Number of Community outreach events conducted per year (15) Number of awareness training conducted per year (12) (18)

Implementation of 2 percent general baseline reduction will affect the following: Impact caused by reduction: 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Reduction of Investigators posts: (14) Reduction of key Performance Indicators Percentage of cases registered and allocated within 72 hours of written notifications (34%) Number of Community outreach events conducted per year (19) Number of awareness training conducted per year (31) (34) (43)

31 Status on implementation of the ipid expansion strategy
STATUS OF IMPLEMENTATION OF THE IPID EXPANSION STRATEGY Status on implementation of the ipid expansion strategy The Department has once again in the 2017 MTEF Budget process submitted the revised costed Expansion Strategy for funding as part of cost pressures . The implementation of the Strategy depends of the funding as requested. The breakdown of required budget is splitted over MTEF for phase approach: Spending Items: 2017/18 R`000 2018/19 2019/20 Compensation of Employees 63 339 92 284 96 679 Goods and Services 10 620 11 247 11 876 Capital Assets 499 455 1 426 Total Required Budget 74 458

32 4. CONCLUSION Although the 4th quarter results for Programme 2 suggest what may seem as poor performance, the audited consolidated results for the entire financial year indicate that all the targets have been achieved in terms of Section 28. (b) Significant progress has been noted in the reduction of backlog cases by 68% as reported in Programme 2.


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