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Context Clue: Paul sheepishly asked the teachers permission to leave class. Context Clue: “She looked sheepishly at her grandmother” (From Daughter to.

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Presentation on theme: "Context Clue: Paul sheepishly asked the teachers permission to leave class. Context Clue: “She looked sheepishly at her grandmother” (From Daughter to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Context Clue: Paul sheepishly asked the teachers permission to leave class.
Context Clue: “She looked sheepishly at her grandmother” (From Daughter to Daughter, pg 274). Define: Sheepishly means to do something quietly or in a low voice because of embarrassment. sheepishly Ask: How is responding sheepishly different from responding cheerfully?

2 Context Clue: It was a coincidence that we saw Debbie while shopping for her party.
Context Clue: “By a series of strange coincidence” (From Daughter to Daughter, pg 274). Define: A coincidence is two events that happen at the same time by an accident. coincidence Ask: Describe a coincidence?

3 Context Clue: The hotel was sumptuous and beautiful decorated.
Context Clue: “He thought the sumptuous pies were wonderful” (From Daughter to Daughter, pg 274). Define: Something that is sumptuous is luxurious. sumptuous Ask: What is an antonym for sumptuous?

4 Context Clue: Peter decided to sweeten the pot by giving away a toy with each purchase.
Context Clue: “To sweeten the pot, he said that he would give me a year’s contract to supply his company’s cafeteria with empanadas” (From Daughter to Daughter, pg 274). sweeten Define: When you sweeten the pot you make a situation or offer more attractive. Ask: What have you rummaged through?

5 Context Clue: The caterpillar entered the cocoon phase of its development.
Context Clue: “Abuelita had the money and the space, but we still had phase three of our problems to face” (From Daughter to Daughter, pg 275). Define: A phase is a stage or part of a period of time. phase Ask: What is a phase humans go through?

6 Context Clue: The king, who loved games, was devoted to playing chess.
Context Clue: “But we were devoted to our ideas” (From Daughter to Daughter, pg 275). Define: When you are devoted to someone or something, you care about it greatly. devoted Ask: Name something that you are devoted to.

7 hobbled Context Clue: Sam hobbled on a broken foot.
Context Clue: “I worked so hard some days that I hobbled home at night because my legs were so tired” (From Daughter to Daughter, pg 275). Define: Hobbled means walked or moved with difficulty. hobbled Ask: Name a synonym for hobbled.

8 prospered Context Clue: The villages prospered.
Context Clue: “But soon the business prospered” (From Daughter to Daughter, pg 275). Define: If someone prospered, he or she succeeded financially. prospered Ask: What is a result of having prospered?

9 Function Words & Phrases
Unit 3 ● Week 2 have a weakness for

10 Function Words & Phrases
Unit 3 ● Week 2 for effect

11 Function Words & Phrases
Unit 3 ● Week 2 to turn purple

12 Function Words & Phrases
Unit 3 ● Week 2 to proceed to

13 Basic Words Unit 3 ● Week 2 countryside

14 Basic Words Unit 3 ● Week 2 moat

15 Basic Words Unit 3 ● Week 2 cottage

16 Basic Words Unit 3 ● Week 2 villagers

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