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AP Physics 1.

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1 AP Physics 1

2 What is AP Physics 1? First year physics course intended to be equivalent to a college introductory physics course

3 AP Test Format Multiple Choice 50% of test. Free Response 50% of test.
Calculators are allowed and equation sheets are provided for the entire exam.

4 AP 1 vs. AP 2 vs. C AP 1 is a first year course that is equivalent to a semester course in physics and is algebra based Two second year AP Physics courses AP 2 is equivalent to a semester course in physics and is not calculus based. C is split into two exams, each equivalent to a semester course and is calculus based.

5 AP Physics 1 Assumed students are familiar with algebra
Provides a foundation in physics Colleges may accept passing grade on test as equivalent to one semester of physics

6 Content Outline Dynamics and Statics Kinematics
Work, Momentum and Energy Rotational Dynamics and Kinematics Simple Harmonic Motion and Waves Sound Electrostatics and DC Circuits

7 Grading One per week, most completed in class
Tests 40% of the marking period grade Based on the free-response section of the AP tests Traditional test – three or four free response sections Class problem – cooperative work allowed Quizzes 20% of the marking period grade Multiple choice done on computers – one per unit Unit problem Skill sets and Comprehension Questions Labs 20% of the marking period grade One per week, most completed in class

8 Grading Science and Engineering Practices
20% of the marking period grade Based on NGSS SEP Students will be assessed multiple times on each practice and awarded a 0, 1, or 2 for the practice. To receive the 20 points toward the marking period grade a student must demonstrate proficiency for each practice by achieving a grade of 2 on the majority of the assessments Students may request additional assessments for standards in order to demonstrate proficiency

9 Expectations Come prepared to work Actively participate
Don’t play with my “toys” Follow school rules

10 Openstax College Physics Textbook

11 Moodle Two Versions – C313 and HHSMoodle 11

12 Fire Drill

13 Lockdown, Etc.

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