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Nationalism and the Emergence of the Modern State

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Presentation on theme: "Nationalism and the Emergence of the Modern State"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nationalism and the Emergence of the Modern State

2 What are the fundamental features of nationalism?
From Hegel to Hamas What are the fundamental features of nationalism? Individual lives depend on the fate of the national body!! Loyalty to the nation-state Attachment to local traditions ANYTHING ELSE?? Living and active corporate will A state of mind Justifies authority of the state

3 From Hegel to Hamas How has the definition of nationalism changed over time? “Hamas responds to all questions related to the life of the citizens -- not only in case of confrontation but also in the political, economic, social, health, and internal-relations fields. This movement has proved that it is one organic unit.” “Substantial unity is an absolute unmoved end in itself, in which freedom comes into its supreme right. On the other hand this final end has supreme right against the individual, whose supreme duty is to be a member of the state.” WHERE IS NATIONALISM HEADED?? 1830s 2006 GWF Hegel Mahmud al-Zahar

4 I’ve tasted freedom, and I want more!
Why did a growing sense of nationalism develop among European peoples in the 19th century?

5 WHAT ELSE?? The Congress of Vienna The Enlightenment
re-establishes monarchies The Enlightenment introduces free thinking The French Revolution & Napoleonic Wars ravage Europe The Industrial Revolution aids in the rise of the middle class

6 I’ve tasted freedom, and I want more!
How did nationalism influence the development of new nations in 19th century Europe? Europe Europe

7 1871 – Germany! 1831 – Belgium! 1878 – Serbia?? 1821 – Greece! 1861 – Italy!

8 Why would it benefit an area to unify?
What potential problems might a territory encounter during unification?

9 Il Risorgimento What are the major events and who are the key leaders associated with Italian unification? Camillo di Cavour “The Brain” Giuseppe Garibaldi “The Sword” Giuseppe Mazzini “The Heart”

10 But was it really that simple??
Il Risorgimento + + = Italia! But was it really that simple??

11 Giuseppe Mazzini: Duties of Man (1840)
“In laboring according to true principles for our country we are laboring for humanity; our country is the fulcrum of the lever which we have to wield for the common good. If we give up this fulcrum, we run the risk of becoming useless to our country and to humanity. Before associating ourselves with the Nations which compose humanity, we must exist as a Nation.” How does Mazzini’s writing embody socialism? utilitarianism? Enlightenment thinking? nationalism?

12 Volksgeist: German Unification
What are the major events and who are the key leaders associated with German unification? Franco-Prussian War Battle of Mars-la-Tour 1870 Chancellor Otto von Bismarck King Wilhelm I

13 Volksgeist: German Unification
1871 Proclamation of the German Empire Click here to view the text. The Hall of Mirrors, Palace of Versailles January 18, 1871

14 Volksgeist: German Unification King Wilhelm I & Otto von Bismarck:
Who wears the pants? I’m King of the World! Wait, uh, chancellor? Now I’m really confused…

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