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STUDY IT FOR YOURSELF! Have the attitude of the Bereans…

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Presentation on theme: "STUDY IT FOR YOURSELF! Have the attitude of the Bereans…"— Presentation transcript:

1 STUDY IT FOR YOURSELF! Have the attitude of the Bereans…
… take what you are taught and search the Scriptures each day to see if what was taught is what the Word of God says [Acts 17:11]! Have the attitude of the Bereans…

2 The Whole Creative Fulness of Divine Power!

3 Part One: The FULNESS of the LOVE of Jesus!

4 A Place to Begin God IS Love!

5 1 John 4:7-12 for love [agapáoh] is from God;
[7] Beloved, let us love [agapáoh] one another, for love [agapáoh] is from God; and everyone who LOVES [agapáoh] is BORN of God and KNOWS God [lit. are coming to know].

6 for GOD IS LOVE [agapáoh].
[8] The one who does not love [agapáoh] does not know God, for GOD IS LOVE [9] By this the LOVE [agapáoh] of God was MANIFESTED in us, that God has SENT His only begotten Son into the world so that we might live through Him. for GOD IS LOVE [agapáoh].

7 NOT THAT we LOVED [agapáoh] God,
[10] IN this IS LOVE [agapáoh], NOT THAT we LOVED [agapáoh] God, but that HE LOVED [agapáoh] US and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.

8 we also ought to LOVE [agapáoh] ONE ANOTHER.
[11] Beloved, IF (SINCE) God so LOVED [agapáoh] us, we also ought to LOVE [agapáoh] ONE ANOTHER.

9 IF we LOVE [agapáoh] ONE ANOTHER,
[12] No one has beheld God at any time; IF we LOVE [agapáoh] ONE ANOTHER, God ABIDES IN us, and His LOVE [agapáoh] is PERFECTED (completed, fulfilled) in us.

10 1 John 4:16-17 [16] And we have come to know and have believed the LOVE [agapáoh] which God has for us. GOD IS LOVE [agapáoh], and the one who abides in LOVE [agapáoh] abides in God, and God abides in him.

11 BECAUSE as He is, so also are [lit. exist] we in this world.
[17] By this, LOVE [agapáoh] is PERFECTED (completed, fulfilled) with us, that we may have confidence in the day of judgment; BECAUSE as He is, so also are [lit. exist] we in this world.

12 We LOVE, Because He FIRST LOVED us.
1 John 4:19 We LOVE, Because He FIRST LOVED us.

13 Consider Two Types of Love

14 Phílos (fi/lo$, phonetic pronunciation, phíl- os, Strong’s Greek adjective number 5384) meaning a loved friend, a companion Philéō (file/w, phonetic pronunciation, phíl- éō, Strong’s Greek verb number 5368) meaning to have affection for someone or something

15 Philía (fili/a, phonetic pronunciation, phil- eé-ah, Strong’s Greek noun number 5373) means ‘affectionate regard’, that is friendship

16 Agápē (a&ga/ph, phonetic pronunciation, ag-áh-pay, Strong’s Greek noun number 26) Agapáoh (a)gapa/w, phonetic pronunciation, ag-ah-pá-oh, Strong’s Greek noun number 25) Meaning to ESTEEM, LOVE,

17 These two words indicate: a direction of the will and finding one’s joy in someone (or something) to regard with strong affection to love SELFLESSLY, To seek the BEST for someone ABOVE what THEY WANT!

18 GOD’S LOVE is agápē LOVE!

19 agápē LOVE is the LOVE… … that gives people what they NEED, what is BEST for them. … that SHOWS GRACE, … that is it EXTENDS FAVOR to others, EVEN IF and WHEN they DO NOT DESERVE being loved.

20 that He GAVE His only begotten Son,
This is best illustrated in John 3:16. For God SO LOVED [agapáoh] the WORLD, that He GAVE His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.

21 Storgē – the expression of a basic ‘affectionate love’
Most have NO CONCEPT of the GRACE AGÁPĒ LOVE EXPRESSES More than Storgē – the expression of a basic ‘affectionate love’ Éros – represents the idea of sexual passion and desire Philía – is ‘affectionate regard’ for family and friends

22 A Contrast of Agapáoh and Philéō from John 21:15-17

23 John 21:15 [15] So when they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon, (son) of John, DO YOU LOVE (AGÁPĒ) ME MORE THAN THESE?”

24 You know (oída) that I love (philō) You.”
[15] … He (Peter) said to Him, “Yes, Lord; You know (oída) that I love (philō) You.” He (Jesus) said to him, “Tend My lambs.”

25 Observation #1 – from John 21:15
Peter DID NOT answer the question Jesus asked, “do you AGÁPĒ Me?” Peter answered, “You know that I philō You”. These two words mean love, but are significantly different in the Greek.

26 Observation #2 – from John 21:15
The first question Jesus asked Peter was a question of COMPARISON. Jesus DOES NOT JUST ASK Peter, “do you AGÁPĒ Me?” Jesus asked Peter, “Simon, son of John, “do you AGÁPĒ Me?” MORE THAN THESE?”

27 HOW WOULD YOU ANSWER Jesus’ question?
The lesson for us is Peter’s answer, Peter DID NOT declare that he LOVED Jesus more than whatever or whoever were the “THESE”. “Yes, Lord; You know (oída) that I love (philō) You.” HOW WOULD YOU ANSWER Jesus’ question?

28 Response to Observation #2 – from John 21:15
Notice again the Question: “Simon, son of John, “do you AGÁPĒ Me?” MORE THAN THESE?” THAT IS, ‘do you love me more than these, WILLINGLY CHOOSING to love ME WITH A SELFLESS LOVE?’

29 Peter’s response in verse 15 was,
“Yes, Lord; You know that I PHILŌ You.” THAT IS ‘Yes, Lord; You FULLY KNOW that … I love You like a CLOSE FRIEND, a BROTHER.’

With Storgē – a basic ‘affectionate love’? With Philía – an ‘affectionate regard’ for a friend or brother? With Agápē – SELFLESS strong affection?

31 John 21:16 [16] He (Jesus) said to him again a second time, “Simon, (son) of John, DO YOU LOVE (AGÁPĒ) ME?”

32 You know (oída) that I love (philō) You.”
[16] … He (Peter) said to Him, “Yes, Lord; You know (oída) that I love (philō) You.” He (Jesus) said to him, “Shepherd My sheep.”

33 Observation #3 – from John 21:16
The second question Jesus asked Peter IS NOT a question of COMPARISON. Jesus SIMPLY ASKED Peter, “DO YOU AGÁPĒ Me?”

34 HOW WOULD YOU answer Jesus?

35 Observation #4 – from John 21:16
Again, Peter answered, “Yes, Lord; You know (oída) that I love (philō) You.” THAT IS ‘Yes, Lord; You fully know that I LOVE You LIKE a CLOSE FRIEND, a BROTHER.’

36 Peter DID NOT CONFESS a SELFLESS LOVE for Jesus, but a LOVE of BROTHERHOOD FRIENDSHIP. Why did Peter say ‘Lord, You FULLY KNOW’? Perhaps Peter remembered his denial of Jesus.

37 John 13:33-38 [33] “Little children, I am with you a little while longer. You shall seek Me; … I now say to you…, ‘Where I am going, you cannot come.’ [34] “A new commandment I give to you, that you love [agapáoh] one another, even as I have loved [agapáoh] you,….

38 if you have LOVE [agapē] for one another.”
[35] By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have LOVE [agapē] for one another.” [36] Simon Peter said to Him, “Lord, where are You going?” Jesus answered, “Where I go, you cannot follow Me now; but you shall follow later.” if you have LOVE [agapē] for one another.”

[37] Peter said to Him, “Lord, why can I not follow You right now? I WILL LAY DOWN MY LIFE FOR YOU.” [38] Jesus answered, “WILL YOU LAY DOWN YOUR LIFE FOR ME? Truly, truly, I say to you, a cock shall not crow, UNTIL YOU DENY ME….

40 John 21:17 [17] He said to him the third time, “Simon, son of John, DO YOU LOVE [philō] Me?” Peter was grieved because He said to him the third time, “DO YOU LOVE [philō] Me?” …

41 You know (oída) all things;
[17] … And he said to Him, “Lord, You know (oída) all things; You know (ginōskō) that I love (philō) You.” Jesus said to him, “Tend My sheep.”

42 Observation #5 – from John 21:17
The third question Jesus asked Peter was different, “DO YOU LOVE [philō] Me?” That is, “DO YOU LOVE me like a brother, like a FRIEND?”

43 Observation #6 – a summary conclusion
Peter seems to realize the deeper meaning of Jesus’ question and BECOMES SORROWFUL. Peter answers, “Lord you know all things completely [oída], You ARE COMING TO KNOW [ginōskō] that like a brother I love You.

44 That is, Peter is saying, ‘Lord You know…
… that through my LIFE EXPERIENCES … I am coming to LOVE you MORE and MORE, … and NOW I AM your FRIEND’.

45 A Question in Closing John 15:14
Do YOU consider YOURSELF a FRIEND of Jesus? John 15:14 Jesus says, [14] “YOU ARE My FRIEND, IF YOU DO what I COMMAND you.

46 A Closing Observation John 15:13
Jesus says, [13] “GREATER LOVE has no one THAN THIS, THAT one LAY DOWN HIS LIFE for his FRIENDS.

- BUT – He EXPECTS you to GROW… … in FAITH, … in COMMITMENT, … in your LOVE for HIM!

48 be FILLED to the FULNESS of Christ’s LOVE!
Here IS Your INVITATION to be FILLED to the FULNESS of Christ’s LOVE!

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