Author: Seymour Simon Genre: Expository Nonfiction

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Presentation on theme: "Author: Seymour Simon Genre: Expository Nonfiction"— Presentation transcript:

1 Author: Seymour Simon Genre: Expository Nonfiction
Big Question: Why is it important to know about the universe? Author: Seymour Simon Genre: Expository Nonfiction

2 Review Games Story Sort Vocabulary Words: Arcade Games Study Stack
Spelling City: Vocabulary Spelling City: Spelling Words

3 Vocabulary Words cosmic astronomers collapse optimistic collide
More Words to Know astronomers collapse collide compact galaxy particles cosmic optimistic outbursts celestial constellations orb

4 Concept Vocabulary celestial – of the sky or outer space
constellations – a group of stars that forms a pattern orb – sphere (Next Slide)

5 constellations

6 orb

7 Concept Vocabulary (To add information to the graphic organizer, click on end show, type in your new information, and save your changes.)

8 Prior Knowledge What do you know about outer space?
Our Solar System Galaxies Stars Outer Space

9 Vocabulary Words Test – Thursday, October 2nd
astronomers – experts in the science that deals with the Sun, Moon, planets, stars, and galaxies; people who study stars collapse – to cave in collide – to strike violently together; crash compact – firmly packed together; dense

10 astronomers

11 collapse

12 collide

13 compact

14 galaxy

15 Spelling Words Multisyllabic Words

16 linear ridiculous artificial calculator competitive curiosity
possibility linear ridiculous artificial calculator competitive curiosity organization individual encyclopedia peony tarantula correspondent cauliflower optimistic enthusiastic sophisticated satisfactory irritable simultaneously contemporary cinematography panoramic condominium glamorous

17 Main Idea & Details To find the topic of a paragraph or section, ask yourself, “What is this all about?” To find the main idea, ask yourself, “What is the most important idea about the topic?” To help find the main idea, look for supporting details that explain or tell about the main idea.

18 Main Idea & Details Topic Main Idea Supporting Detail

19 Paraphrase Paraphrasing is explaining something in your own words while retaining the author’s meaning and ideas. A paraphrase should be simpler to read than the original text.

20 Greek and Latin Roots Greek root tele- means “far off” and the Latin root mille- means “thousand.” Find at least four words that reflect both roots’ meaning. Use a dictionary to verify word meaning.

21 Skim and Scan Skimming is reading quickly to identify the main idea of a passage or to get an overview of a piece of writing. To skim a work, you read the first and last paragraphs and any headings or summaries. You might also read the first sentence of each paragraph.

22 Skim and Scan Scanning is moving one’s eyes quickly down a page, searching for specific words and phrases. You scan a piece of writing to see if it will answer your questions or to specific information.

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