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Why Psychology Matters To College Students

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1 Why Psychology Matters To College Students

2 Mindset Attitude – A positive or negative evaluation of
people, objects, events, activities, or ideas.

3 Growth (“incremental”) Mindset
Fixed (“Entity”) Mindset Growth (“incremental”) Mindset View of Intelligence Intelligence is set by genes and early environment. It cannot be changed with practice / effort. Intelligence is highly malleable, and depends on persistence and attitude. Examples “I’m not a good at foreign languages.” “I’m a language person, not a math person.” “My math (or language, etc.) skills will improve as I practice.” Response to Failure Failures reveal fundamentally unchangeable limitations. Failures point directly to where learning and growth are possible. Response Toward Challenging Tasks “Challenging tasks should be avoided because they reveal my limitations, which can’t be changed.” “Challenging tasks are desirable because they generate failures that inform me how to improve. Challenges make me smarter.” Fixed & Growth Mindset Wiki -

4 Research on Mindset Carol Dweck
Dweck, C. S. (2012). Mindsets and human nature: Promoting change in the Middle East, the schoolyard, the racial divide, and willpower. American Psychologist, 67(8), doi: /a Generalizability – The extent to which a finding applies across diverse settings or populations.


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