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Outstanding Outstanding learning key ingredients.

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Presentation on theme: "Outstanding Outstanding learning key ingredients."— Presentation transcript:

1 Outstanding Outstanding learning key ingredients

2 challenge engagement progress learning culture

3 What does this mean? What makes an excellent learning culture?

4 learning culture Growth Mindset behaviour for learning interdependence good relationships

5 Learning culture Mindset Carol Dweck, Stanford University Decades of research across cultures, geography, socioeconomic status, professions Self-Theories: Their Role in Motivation, Personality, and Development

6 Learning culture Mindset Growth Mindset Intelligence is dynamic Challenge is opportunity Failure is learning Adventurous and risk-taking “If I get it wrong, it’s ok, I’ll get help.” Achievement due to effort Fixed Mindset Intelligence is fixed Challenge is threat Failure should be avoided Fear-driven “If I get it wrong, I will look stupid.” Achievement due to talent

7 Learning culture Mindset Growth Mindset You? Others you know? Have you observed this in any classrooms / schools? Fixed Mindset You? Others you know? Have you observed this in any classrooms / schools?

8 Learning culture Fixed Mindset in a school Adult high expectations for “smart ones” or “good ones” generalises (praise, instructions, activities) right always right (hides own mistakes) correct praises correct answers outcome focuses learning on outcome Child challenge is rare answer questions anxietyanxiety in the face of difficulty “I can’t do it, help me!”

9 Learning culture Growth Mindset in a school Adult high expectations for all personalises and differentiates (praise, instructions, activities etc) models models being a learner perseverance praises perseverance but assesses honestly process focuses learning on process Child challenge is normal ask questions resilienceresilience “I’m having a hard time, help me!” “I’m having a hard time, help me!”

10 Rising tide

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