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Exploring Computer Science Lesson 4-13

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Presentation on theme: "Exploring Computer Science Lesson 4-13"— Presentation transcript:

1 Exploring Computer Science Lesson 4-13
Create a Timing Game Exploring Computer Science Lesson 4-13

2 Objectives The students will be able to: Create a timing game.
Complete their rubrics and submit their timing games.

3 Look at this simple game…
Download What does the game do? What is it missing?

4 Your Turn… You have until our next class period to complete this!
Use the game I started!!! Don’t build something from ‘scratch’!!!

5 Timer game Your game must :
Stop timing and scoring when the game is over/time is up. Have a 30-second timer. Keep a total score for misses, poors, goods and perfects. (See Sprite 4!) Have a backdrop change to tell the user the game is over/time is up. Have a help screen with directions. Have the game get harder/faster as it is played. Have a Start button on your help screen. Keep track of how many perfects in a row were scored. (Extra Credit) Reset when the green flag is clicked.

6 Timing Game Rubric Do you have… Points The Game A 30-second timer? 10
A 30-second timer? 10 A total score for misses, poors, goods and perfects? (See Sprite 4!) A help screen with directions? 15 A start button on your help screen? A reset when the green flag is clicked? All timing and scoring stopping when the game is over/time’s up? A backdrop change telling the user the game is over/time’s up? The game getting harder/faster as it is played? Extra Credit The game keeping track of how many “perfects” were scored in a row? TOTAL: 100

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