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Warm Up – October 11 Answer the following questions on a post it:

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1 Warm Up – October 11 Answer the following questions on a post it:
What were the reasons for why people were criticizing the Roman Catholic Church? What invention was important in spreading the messages of the Reformation? What did Martin Luther’s 95 Theses specifically criticize the Roman Catholic Church for? What are the three branches of Protestanism?

2 95 Theses Reading Go to my website and download the 95 Theses Primary Source Handout, answer the following questions on the same post it while reading: What does Luther say is the true treasure of the church? What does Luther say about buying pardons (indulgences)? Rather than buying pardons, people should spend their money on what? Does Luther believe a Christian has to have a pardon to be forgiven? What DOES a Christian need? What can papal pardons do (or not do) according to Martin Luther? What does Luther’s motivation seem to be after reading excerpts from his controversial text?

3 Lutheranism Based on the teachings of Martin Luther Beliefs –
People could win salvation only by faith in God’s gift of forgiveness – faith and “good works” were needed for salvation All church teachings should be clearly based on the Bible All people of faith were equal

4 Calvinism Based on the teachings of John Calvin Calvinists believe –
Men and Women are sinful by nature Humans cannot earn salvation God chooses a very few people to save - these people are called the “elect” God has known since the beginning of time who would be saved - this is called predestination

5 Anglicanism Church of England Started by Henry VIII
Anglican Church was started by his daughter – Elizabeth I

6 Anglicanism State church that was created to be accepted by both Catholics and Protestants To please Protestants – priests were allowed to marry and to give sermons in English instead of Latin To please Catholics – priests were allowed to keep their rich, extravagant robes and church services followed catholic traditions

7 Catholic Reformation Catholic Reformation – Catholics reforming their own church from within Formed Societies of Jesus – Members called Jesuits – focused on three activities: 1. Founded schools throughout Europe 2. Convert non-Christians to Catholicism 3. Stop the spread of Protestantism

8 Catholic Reformation Reforming the Church–
Catholic leaders meet at the Council of Trent and agree to several new doctrines (rules) that will be followed by the Catholic Church – 1. Church’s interpretation of Bible is final – any Christian who substitutes his or her own interpretation is a heretic 2. Christians needed faith and good works for salvation 3. Bible and Church tradition were equally powerful authorities for guiding Christian life 4. False selling of indulgences is banned

9 Create a Web Quest Working on your own, you will create a web quest covering the Renaissance and Reformation Your web quest should have at least 12 questions and should cover a minimum of 4 different websites (legit sites – do not use sites like wikipedia,, Use Google docs – your web quest will be given to another person to complete and grade

10 Web Quest Grading Rubric
12 questions – 25 pts. At least 4 different web sites – 25 pts. Covers diverse topics in Renaissance and Reformation– 20 pts. Answers too easy to find- 15 pts. Answers too hard to find – 15 pts.

11 TOD – October 11 Answer the following questions on the same post it as the warm up: Describe the differences between Lutheranism, Calvinism, and Anglicanism in regards to how an individual achieves salvation How did the Catholics respond to the Protestant Reformation?

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