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American Revolution Vocabulary

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1 American Revolution Vocabulary

2 Patriot *A colonist who was against British rule. (against the King)

3 Loyalist *A person who remained loyal to the British king.

4 Taxation *act of placing a tax on items

5 Parliament The part of the British government in which members make laws for the British people

6 I represent the 13 colonies. We have a voice!
Representation/Representative Acting or speaking on behalf of someone or something; serving as an official delegate, agent, or spokesperson I represent the 13 colonies. We have a voice!

7 Debt something owed to another; a thing or amount due

8 market In the market there must be sellers (people who are selling goods/services) and buyers (people who are buying the goods/services).

9 opportunity cost Opportunity cost is what a person loses by choosing one opportunity instead of another.

10 import IN a good or product that is brought into a country or colony
tea IN cars oil

11 export a good or product that is sent out of a country or colony sugar
molasses OUT tobacco

12 perspective how a person sees an event, person or situation; the same event can be seen from different points of view (perspectives) The city skyline looks different according to the perspective.

13 Act an act is a law created or passed by a government
Act an act is a law created or passed by a government. For example, the Stamp Act was a law passed by the British Parliament.

14 Treason working against your own government

15 Boycott to refuse to buy or use goods and services
DON’T BUY FROM THEM!!! Protesters advocating boycott of BP due to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill Protesters advocating boycott of Kentucky Fried Chicken due to animal rights issues

16 Repeal to cancel, or undo, a law
Courts have the power to repeal laws

17 Congress a formal meeting of government representatives

18 Protest to work against, or object to, a certain policy
LG&E rate-hike protest in Louisville: Protesters called for "green power now" and for LG&E shareholders to absorb more of the utility's planned rate increases. (By Angela Shoemaker, special to The Courier-Journal) Nov. 10, 2011

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