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Workshop Title Workshop X – Section Y MCT123 Module Title

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1 Workshop Title Workshop X – Section Y MCT123 Module Title
Don't forget to pick a suitable photo for your module! Workshop Title Workshop X – Section Y MCT123 Module Title

2 Learning Outcomes On completing this section and related learning activities, you should be able to: Do this This And this….

3 Comparing for and while test
for (counter=1; counter <= 10; ++counter) { /* other statements here */ } counter = 1; while (counter <= 10) { /* other statements here */ ++counter; } Sample graphics for presenting code.

4 Counting to 100 for (counter=1; counter <= 100; counter++) {
printf(“%d\n”, counter); } The loop counter can be used to produce a list of values that are used in the program. Paperclip graphic often used to draw attention to key points.

5 Basic Symbols Symbol Meaning , ; :- not Comma = AND Semicolon = OR
Everything in Prolog must end with a full stop. Interpreter waits for the full stop before analyzing the text Symbol Meaning , Comma = AND ; Semicolon = OR :- Colon-dash = ONLY IF not not = NOT Nice use of table (excellent for summarising information) and the paperclip graphic draws attention to a key point here. Eg Before looking at any code, we’ll cover the basic constructs used in Prolog. There are only really four symbols used in Prolog: “,” represents “and” “;” represents “or” “:-” represents “only if” and “not” simply represents “not” We’ll see examples of these shortly. The other main symbol used in Prolog is the full stop “.”. ALL programming constructs in Prolog (rules, facts and questions) MUST end with a full stop. The Prolog interpreter relies on the presence of the full stop to detect the end of each programming construct. If you ask Prolog a question and it appears to do nothing, it is possible that you have missed the full stop. The interpreter won’t start to answer your question until it encounters the full stop.

6 The ADDIE Model Analysis Design Development Implement
Analyse learner profile Design Plan the content Development Assemble content assets Implement Put into practice Evaluation Gather feedback Example of how PowerPoint SmartArt can help you present related concepts.

7 Use Existing Resources
Options for Content Existing presentations & lecture materials Existing online resources Use Existing Resources NDLR (Ireland HE Resources) Merlot (International Resources) MIT Open Courseware OpenLearn Open University Use Open Resources Write new text and/or audio Source/create new graphics Develop video demos Create interactivity Create New Materials Another example of how SmartArt can help you present related concepts.

8 for Loop Exercise (1) Pseudocode???
Problem statement: Write a program that sums up the even numbers from 2 to 100. Pseudocode??? Notebook graphic often used as a backdrop to illustrate worked examples. Eg In this problem, we want to write a program that sums up the even numbers from 2 to 100. Use top-down, stepwise refinement to develop a working algorithm for this problem.

9 for Loop Exercise (2) Initialize sum to 0 For number from 2 to 100
sum = sum + number number = number + 2 Print sum Worked example might run through over 2 or 3 slides. Eg This slide shows what your pseudocode might look like for the problem. Now, translate it into actual C code.

10 while or for? Everything that can be done with a for loop can also be done with a while loop. For problems where the control variable has specific initial and final values and specific increment/ decrement values, so that it follows a pattern, then a for loop is the appropriate solution. Blackboard type graphics often used to highlight key concepts or explain differences between concepts. Particularly useful when introducing an idea. Eg It would be relatively easy to translate our pseudocode into C code using a while loop. However, for problems where the control variable has specific initial and final values and specific increment/decrement values, so that it follows a pattern, then a for loop is the appropriate solution.

11 Design a Complete Learning Experience
Core learning materials + Discussion Questions/Activities Assignments Research Projects Exams/Assessments = Complete Online Course Here's an example of a whiteboard layout – could use this instead of the blackboard graphic, if you prefer. Perhaps more modern!

12 Engage Interaction Example
Tabbed interaction diagrams (such as this example from the "How to design Effective eLearning" tutorial) are a useful way to present a subset of related concepts. There is room to explain and describe concepts in greater detail than say a simple diagram.

13 Click on the video to play
Video: for Loop Here's an example of a video intro slide, used to alert learners that a video is following – this probably won't be necessary, however, if you are embedding a video as a web object. Eg This video demonstrates the C program for our for loop to sum the even numbers from 2 to 100. Click on the video to play

14 Prolog Logic Programming Invented by Colmerauer & Kowalski
Implements Predicate Calculus Goal Driven: searches for goals using Depth-First Search Can return multiple answers Alain Colmerauer Good use of photos to illustrate a slide – always good to put a face to a name. Robert Kowalski

15 2. Write for an online audience
Short slide text The clipboard graphic (ideally over a series of slides) is a good way to present checklist type information.

16 Summary Introduced Prolog Introduced basic Prolog symbols and core Prolog concepts such as rules, facts, goals and questions Closed World Assumption Defined closed world assumption and examined its application to Prolog Prolog Programming Constructed sample programs and examined how Prolog executes questions Good layout for summarizing key concepts and including a brief explanation.

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