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Mr Jackson Welcome to Year 6 Mr Jackson

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Presentation on theme: "Mr Jackson Welcome to Year 6 Mr Jackson"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr Jackson
Welcome to Year 6 Mr Jackson

2 Tonight’s Agenda Timetable Topics and curriculum SATS Homework Trips
Help from home

3 Year 6 Timetable English and maths daily.
Opportunities to read and discuss texts daily. Additional sessions for extra support. P.E. Tuesday and Friday (Friday may change).

4 Year 6 Topics and Curriculum
Theme webs updated onto website. Provides an overview of what we will be learning about that term/half term. Specific maths objectives are separate. Let’s take a look at the yearly overview.

5 Areas will be moved, revisited and further consolidated as needed
Areas will be moved, revisited and further consolidated as needed. This provides a basic overview. There is a lot to get through before May!

6 SATS Paper 1 – Arithmetic Paper 2 & 3 - Reasoning

7 Year 6 curriculum? Multiply multi-digit numbers up to 4 digits by a two-digit whole number using the formal written method of long multiplication. Divide numbers up to 4 digits by a two-digit whole number using the formal written method of long division, and interpret remainders as whole number remainders, fractions, or by rounding, as appropriate for the context. Generate and describe linear number sequences. Express missing number problems algebraically. Illustrate and name parts of circles, including radius, diameter and circumference and know that the diameter is twice the radius. Describe positions on the full coordinate grid (all four quadrants).

8 How many of those maths objectives do you feel confident with
How many of those maths objectives do you feel confident with? Year 6 will need to know them all! Change in expectations. Changes in assessment. No more levels.

9 How good is your punctuation and grammar?
Here are some basic questions which the class will be expected to answer…

10 How good is your punctuation and grammar?
Here are some basic questions which the class will be expected to answer…

11 Writing expectations Check out the assessment criteria which I will be marking to and moderated by. Children must also meet criteria from previous year groups. Year 3/4 and Year 5/6 statutory spellings.

12 SATS Prep Little and often. Tricky areas. Intervention time. Work and learning from home. Working towards, working at expected, working at greater depth. Writing teacher assessed. Final date for teacher assessments is in summer term.

13 Homework Reading Maths Spellings Topic

14 Conwy Centre Week after SATS Monday – Friday A huge variety of proper outdoor activities.

15 Support from home Little and often – reading, spelling and maths. Curriculum maps and coverage. Writing exemplifications - assessment-exemplification-ks2-english-writing Year 6 expected standard/greater depth writing examples

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