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Token Bucket.

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1 Token Bucket

2 Traffic regulator Receiver Sender Traffic regulator
Goal: Traffic entering the network should comply to a given envelope

3 Traffic regulators Traffic exceeding the envelope is non-compliant.
What do to with non-compliant traffic ? Buffer  Traffic shaping Drop  Traffic policing Allow, but assign low priority  Traffic marking We focus on Traffic shapers © Jörg Liebeherr, 2006 ECE 1545

4 Traffic shapers Envelope
Traffic shaper enforces that the departures D comply to a traffic envelope E Non-compliant traffic is stored in a FIFO buffer Buffered traffic is released as soon as allowed  This type of shaper is called “Greedy Shaper” Envelope

5 Token Bucket Token Bucket is a traffic regulation mechanism to enforce that departures comply to the envelope Traffic Time interval b Slope r

6 Token Bucket Tokens are added at rate r up to a maximum size of TBmax

7 Token Bucket Assume: Packet can depart if enough tokens are available.
Tokens are removed tokens when packet departs (Here: 10 tokens are needed)

8 Token Bucket Assume: Packet removes 10 tokens from buffer
(Number of tokens is associated with packet size)

9 Token Bucket Packet must wait until enough tokens are available

10 Token Bucket (fluid flow version)
For an analysis we work with a fluid flow version of the token bucket (Traffic can depart in arbitrary small chunks)

11 TBmax = b = 2 r = 1

12 TBmax = b = 2 r = 1 A+TB-B

13 Implementation

14 Implementation in Lab 2 (a+b)

15 Token Bucket in Lab 2 (a+b)
TokenBucketReceiver (BR) TokenBucketSender (BS) if (buffer_is_empty && not(sendingInProgress) && enough_tokens_available) consume tokens; send packet; else add packet to buffer; If (buffer_is_not_empty) if (enough_tokens) consume tokens; sendingInProgress = true; remove packet from buffer; send packet; sendingInProgress = false; else get expected time when there will be enough tokens; sleep for this time; wait for packet to arrive to buffer;

16 Alternative implementation for Token Bucket?
Idea: instead of counting tokens (and compute timestamps from tokens), work directly with timestamps VC : release time of packet (init: VC = 0) l : packet size now : current time TDTp : Target departure time of packet p b TokenBucketSender (BS) TokenBucketReceiver (BR) If (buffer_is_not_empty) if (TDThead_of_buffer ≤ now) sendingInProgress = true; remove packet from buffer; send packet; sendingInProgress = false; else sleep for now - TDThead_of_buffer ; wait for packet to arrive to buffer; VC = max {VC, now} + l/r; if ( buffer_is_empty && not(sendingInProgress) && VC - b/r ≤ now ) send packet; else Set TDTp = VC - b/r; add packet to buffer;

17 Peak Rate Constrained Token Bucket
Adds a constraint on the maximum (“peak”) rate of traffic: Is implemented with 2 token buckets in series. Traffic Slope r b Slope P Time interval

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