LADY GAGA Telephone. WHERE IS GAGA? Where does the video begin? What implication does this have regarding women? What are the beginning lyrics and what.

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Presentation on theme: "LADY GAGA Telephone. WHERE IS GAGA? Where does the video begin? What implication does this have regarding women? What are the beginning lyrics and what."— Presentation transcript:

1 LADY GAGA Telephone

2 WHERE IS GAGA? Where does the video begin? What implication does this have regarding women? What are the beginning lyrics and what is being implied by these lines? How is it contradictory to the visual?

3 What is the action of the women in the prison? How are they dressed? What is the stereotype being portrayed? How does this relate to the language being used? What is she busy doing? What is implied by you knew that I was free? Who are the women who may be influencing Lady Gaga and how she performs?

4 BEYONCE How is Beyonce being portrayed in this portion of the video? Does it link to Lady Gaga or is it different?

5 WHERE AM I? Lady Gaga then dresses in a blue hat and is making a sandwich? What is the stereotype directed towards women here? What is the time period it is referring to?

6 HOW AM I DRESSED? Write down the various dresses of Lady Gaga and Beyonce. What is being said about the construct of gender through their various outfits? What is being said for each outfit?

7 WHERE AM I GOING? What movie is alluded to in the end of the video? Why? How does this help shape our understanding of the ideas being portrayed?

8 LCC-TYPE QUESTIONS What does this text suggest about the portrayal of women in western societies? What cultural beliefs have influenced the production of this text? How would someone from a foreign culture view this text? What ideologies are present in this text?

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