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Discuss your answer from your homework with the person next to you

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1 Discuss your answer from your homework with the person next to you
‘‘Even the Devil believes in God’’ Discuss your answer from your homework with the person next to you







8 Shaytan/Iblis

9 Allah (saw) Dirt Light Fire
Shaytan/Iblis Allah (saw) Adam (pbuh) Angels (mala’ikah) Jinn Dirt Light Fire

10 Shaytan/Iblis Allah commanded the Angels and Jinn to bow down to Adam (pbuh) All agreed, except for one, Iblis Allah banished him from Jannah (Paradise/Heaven). Iblis responded by tempting humans to stray from the straight path of Allah. This could be through having an affair, drinking alcohol, being dishonest or ignoring the Five Daily Prayers.

11 Shaytan/Iblis Surah 7:12 ‘What prevented you from bowing down when I commanded you?’ He said ‘I am better than he: You created me from fire and him from clay’ Explain how this Ayah could be used as a message to guide Muslims behaviour towards others?

12 How often have you fallen into this way of thinking?
‘’Iblis…let his emotions -- in particular, pride, prejudice and jealousy, lead him to acts that meant that he took away the rights of others.  He assumed that he was superior to Adam because he was created from fire (which itself is a problematic assumption and there are many reasons dirt could be superior to fire, e.g. permanence, resilience, self-sustaining), so it's a very flimsy reason to refuse a divine order. Simply because of the different form of creation (without any reference to Adam's behavior), Iblees refused to respect Adam. The equivalent today would be prejudice/racism.  He was also jealousy of the status Adam potentially had with Allah; and saw Adam as "competition" for Allah's affection.  Rather than being about "blind obedience", the story of Iblis is about letting your emotions, such as pride, prejudice and jealousy lead you to acts that:  (a) that are not in your best interest  (b) make you wrong others   (c) deny the many graces others have bestowed upon you’’



15 1) Ask a student for help (subject knowledge a/b/c)
2) Ask teacher for help (subject knowledge a/b/c) 3) Ask a student (subject knowledge d/e) 4) Ask teacerfor help (subject knowledge d/e) 5) Ask for the answer a/b/c (you loose token 3) 6) Ask for the answer d (you loose token 1,2,3,4) 7) Ask for answer e (you loose all tokens and 10 minutes of answering time

16 Rules Each token is worth its value in bonus points, if you keep you tokens you keep your points Each time someone asks you a question you get a bonus half mark Your paper will be peer marked and then bonus points added The top four get a prize, with the top two going into the final The remaining students create a ten question Islam quiz to determine the winner

17 Homework Create a mind map about Good & Evil.
Use all of the materials you have been given to make it a comprehensive revision aid It must be colourful, memorable and reliable The best one will be made into a revision poster for the entire class

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