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Government and Politics

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1 Government and Politics
Political Ideologies

2 Take Home Messages… Self Assessment Major Ideologies Canadian Spectrum
Demonstrate understanding of the political spectrum Major political ideologies Self assessment of political values Canadian political spectrum Self Assessment Major Ideologies Canadian Spectrum Extremism

3 Political Ideologies: Self Assessment
Why does this compass emphasize personal and economic issues? Are there other categories of issues that would be equally, or more, important in diagnosing a person’s political ideology?

4 Political Ideologies: Self Assessment
“Once you label me, you negate me” Soren Kierkegaard “A name is a label, and as soon as there is a label, the ideas disappear and out comes label-worship and label-bashing, and instead of living by a theme of ideas, people begin dying for labels... and the last thing the world needs is another religion.” Richard Bach What is the basic purpose of political ideologies? Are they labels which reduce discussion to dogmatic posturing or, like brands of products, serve as a sort of short-hand that helps us sort and analyse the inputs in an effective manner?

5 Political Ideologies: Self Assessment
Complete one of the following and bring in a print out of your results.

6 Political Ideologies: Major Ideologies
Fascism Socialism Conservatism Communism Liberalism

7 Political Ideologies: Major Ideologies
Fascism Conservatism Communism Socialism Liberalism Historical Background Key Contributors Economic Principles Intellectual Principles Form of Gvt Role of Religion

8 Political Ideologies: Major Ideologies

9 Political Ideologies: Canadian Spectrum

10 Political Ideologies: Canadian Spectrum

11 Political Ideologies: Canadian Spectrum

12 Political Ideologies: Canadian Spectrum
Party Pre-2011 Election (Leader, Seats) Post-2011 Election (Seats, Status) Defining Issue/Overall Philosophy Economic Outlook (Budget, Taxes) Social Outlook (Health, Education) Green Party NDP Bloc Quebecois Conservative Party Liberal Party

13 Political Ideologies: Canadian Spectrum
9/22 PMs 85/144 Years 13/22 PMs 63/144 Years

14 Political Ideologies: Extremism

15 Political Ideologies: Extremism
What is the appeal of extremist parties? Who might vote for or support such parties? What role to extremist parties play in the larger political scope?

16 Political Ideologies: Town Hall
You will, as a group and individuals, represent a particular party’s approach and ideology on a certain issue. We will discuss three issues from the list below: Youth Crime: Should we amend the age of criminal responsibility to include youth between the ages of 10-17? Immigration: Should Canada increase the number of refugees allowed entry each year? Education: Should the government increase funding and support for private schools and online schools as alternatives to public education? Narcotics Control: Should we decriminalize or legalize marijuana production, distribution and/or possession? Censorship: Should the federal government begin the steps to regular, restrict and censor underage content on the Internet?

17 Political Ideologies: Town Hall
Preparation In Class: Meet with others of your party and assign issues. Party Leaders: ensure party members are card-carrying members (i.e. that they will take the “correct” position!). In Class/Out of Class: Research the issue and prepare a report on your assigned issue that covers the following Identify and explain the issue Explain who is affected by the issue and how Propose solutions to the issue Identify the advantages/disadvantages of the solutions Advocacy of your party’s approach to the issue within its overall agenda/platform Town Hall In Class: Discussion of 3 issues. Participation points. Reflection In Class: Response to prompt question(s). Aligned with your party’s ideology

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