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Safety in Engineering Class

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1 Safety in Engineering Class
Mrs. Murphy

2 Accidents that Can Happen
Crushed Arms and Hands Severed fingers Blindness Broken Bones Puncture wounds Third degree burns

3 Safety Rules Do not proceed with any activity if you do not fully understand Notify the teacher IMMEDIATELY of any accidents (this includes broken equipment) Notify the teacher IMMEDIATELY if you see a safety hazard (don’t assume the teacher already knows)

4 More Safety Rules Absolutely NO horseplay, practical jokes, or pranks in the Engineering classroom or lab. Violation of this rule will result in immediate disciplinary action. When working with hand tools, including a glue gun, long hair must be pulled back into a pony tail Rolling chairs are not toys and should not be used for transportation

5 PPE Personal Protective Equipment
Safety glasses, ear plugs, closed toed shoes To be worn when teacher announces

6 Computer Safety Rules Use the computers ONLY for the projects assigned by the teacher. Use only your personal log on. Do not use a computer that another student is logged on to. If you accidentally get to a “bad” website, press the back button and tell Mrs. Murphy right away. Shut down the computer before you leave the classroom. Do not: stick things in the CD tray, pull keys off the keyboard, or unplug any of the computers.

7 Working in the Shop It is a privilege and can be taken away
Vacuum or sweep area after EVERY USE Never cut metal with the saws in the shop Always wear safety glasses Always pull long hair back Always take a buddy Always ask Mrs. Murphy or Mr. Guthrie before using shop tools

8 Miter Saw “Chop Saw” Can cut at angles Similar to miter box
Fingers must be far from blade Not for small items 1. Place wood 2. Move fingers 3. Squeeze handle 4. Pull Handle Down 5. Release handle and allow blade to stop spinning

9 Band Saw Table top or free standing Better for small pieces of wood
Can be used for PVC Included guide Fingers must be out of way

10 Drill Press To drill holes in wood Table can raise and lower
Use laser as guide Always remove drill bit and return to holder

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