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Investigating the Past

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1 Investigating the Past
Ancient History – concerns the distant past, from the earliest humans to the first great civilizations Prehistory – before written time

2 Who Studies the Past? Archeologists – They study the past by examining objects that people have left behind. Historians – They study written records like documents, diaries, and letters. Geographers – They study natural features like water, landforms, plants, and animals. They also study manmade features like towns, roads, bridges, and dams.

3 Artifacts Social scientists use artifacts to study the past.
Artifacts are objects made or used by people in the past.

4 Early Hominids

5 Another “History Detective”
Paleoanthropologist - anthropologists study human development and culture - paleoanthropologists study the earliest hominids (paleo means “ancient”)

6 Australopithecus Afarensis
Earliest known group of hominid – Australopithecus means “southern ape” Lucy belonged to this group Lucy was a biped (two footed animal)

7 Homo Habilis: Handy Man
Abilities – could make tools Probably lived in groups - worked together to protect themselves - could also collect food over larger areas of land

8 Handy Man the Toolmaker

9 Homo Erectus: Upright Man
Abilities – fire/migrate Migrate = to move from one geographic region to another

10 Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis: Neanderthals
Abilities - skilled toolmakers - first hominids to hunt in organized groups

11 Neanderthals: A Sense of Community
Used burial mounds Took care of injured members of group Learned from experience of older members of group

12 Homo Sapiens Sapiens: Early Modern Humans
Eventually made it to North & South America by land bridges (pieces of land connecting two continents)

13 Early Modern Humans Even more skilled than Neanderthals
Were the first artists - created paintings, sculptures,& musical instruments

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