Who is Dissinger Reed? We have specialized in high school athletics and activities since 1982 We represent the NFHS and 26 individual states.

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Presentation on theme: "Who is Dissinger Reed? We have specialized in high school athletics and activities since 1982 We represent the NFHS and 26 individual states."— Presentation transcript:

1 NFHS Performing Arts Conference Chicago, IL Mindee Holmes Dissinger Reed Tuesday, September 18, 2018

2 Who is Dissinger Reed? We have specialized in high school athletics and activities since 1982 We represent the NFHS and 26 individual states

3 NFHS Insurance Program
Coaches Association 8,122 Music Association 1,005 Speech/Debate/Theatre 1,476 Stunt/Cheer/Spirit Included Officials 127,050 NFHS Staff 40 NFHS Staff (Intern/Seasonal) 2 NFHS Board 12 NFHS Foundation Board 8 Total 137,715

4 NFHS Insurance Program General Liability
Covered Activities: Liability coverage for claims brought by third parties for allegations of negligence while in the course and scope of the insured members duties during a covered activity/event. The sport/activity must be recognized by the NFHS and/or its members. Office Premise Liability is included. Classroom (curricular) activities and professional sports or activities are excluded.

5 NFHS Insurance Program General Liability
Policy General Aggregate Limit $5,000,000 Products-Completed Operations Aggregate Limit Each Occurrence Limit $2,000,000 Personal and Advertising Injury Limit Damage to Premises Rented to You $500,000 Premises Medical Payments $5,000 Sexual Abuse & Molestation – Each Occurrence $1,000,000 Sexual Abuse & Molestation – Aggregate Participant Legal Liability Included Crisis Response – Each Crisis Event/Aggregate $25,000 Employee Benefit Liability – Deductible $1,000 Employee Benefit Liability – Each Claim Employee Benefit Liability – Aggregate $3,000,000 Continuous or Progressive Injury or Damage Excluded

6 NFHS Insurance Program Accident Insurance
Covered Activities: Insured persons are covered for injury resulting from an accident which occurs directly from: Activities that are scheduled, sponsored, or supervised by the policyholder; Premises owned, leased or borrowed by the policyholder; Travel scheduled, sponsored or supervised by the policyholder;

7 NFHS Insurance Program Accident Insurance
Accident Medical Expense Benefit Maximum Benefit $50,000 Benefit Period 1 Year Deductible $250 Maximum Dental Limit Included In Medical Max Heart & Circulatory Maximum Benefit $2,500 Malfunction Benefit 10% Physical Therapy/Chiropractic – per Visit/Maximum per Injury $50/$2,000 Durable Medical Equipment – Maximum per Injury $1,000 Outpatient Prescriptions – Maximums per Injury Accidental Death & Dismemberment Benefit $10,000

8 What Could Go Wrong?

9 What Could Go Wrong?

10 What Could Go Wrong?

11 Thank you!

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