Intro to CHEMISTRY!.

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Presentation on theme: "Intro to CHEMISTRY!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intro to CHEMISTRY!

2 Why study it? Do you like breathing? Do you like driving?
Do you want to understand life as we know it?

3 5 Branches Organic Chemistry - the study of carbon and its compounds; the study of the chemistry of life. Inorganic Chemistry - the study of compounds not-covered by organic chemistry; the study of inorganic compounds or compounds which do not contain a C-H bond. Many inorganic compounds are those which contain metals. Analytical Chemistry - the study of the chemistry of matter and the development of tools used to measure properties of matter.

4 Physical Chemistry - the branch of chemistry that applies physics to the study of chemistry. Commonly this includes the applications of thermodynamics and quantum mechanics to chemistry. Biochemistry - the study of chemical processes that occur inside of living organisms.


6 Kitchen Chemistry How often do you crystallize, spherify, disperse, diffuse, or temper in your kitchen? Crystallize - Caramel Spherify – Boba tea Disperse – Air bubble in ice cream Temper – eggs and chocolate, open chemical bonds to form a protein web

7 Jobs involving chemistry?


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