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1 Egypt

2 Learning Targets I can describe the relationship between the Nile and the growth of Egypt. I can describe the reasons for the unification of Egypt. I can explain the religious beliefs of the Egyptian people, and the importance of the afterlife. I can locate key physical features of Africa on a map.

3 Civilization Develops in Egypt
Hunter-Gatherers moved into the Nile Valley more than 12,000 years ago. By 4500 BCE, Farmers living in small villages grew wheat and Barley. Over time farmers developed an irrigation system, which consisted of canals that directed the Nile’s flow and carried water to the fields.

4 Two Kingdoms -Along with its stable food supply Egypt’s location offered another advantage: -Its natural barriers, which made it difficult to invade Egypt. -The Desert to the west was too big and harsh to cross, -To the north was the Mediterranean sea, -To the east was more desert and the Red Sea, -To the south the Niles cataracts made it difficult for invaders to sail into Egypt.

5 Two Kingdoms With the natural barriers protecting Egypt, the villages grew and by 3200 BCE villages had grown and banded together to create two separate kingdoms. Each Kingdom had its own capital city. The capital city of Lower Egypt was Pe, The capital city of Upper Egypt was Nekhan

6 Kings Unify Egypt According to tradition, around 3100 BCE Menes, rose to power in Upper Egypt. He had his armies invade Lower Egypt and take control of it. Menes then married a princess from Lower Egypt.

7 Egypt Unites Menes Combined the Crowns:
The White Crown of Upper Egypt. Red crown of Lower Egypt. Why would Menes do this? -To symbolize his leadership over the two kingdoms.

8 Unification Menes is considered to be the first Pharaoh of Egypt.
He also founded the first Dynasty. Menes built a new capital city named Memphis at the southern tip of the Nile Delta. It was near wear Lower Egypt met Upper Egypt, close to modern Cairo.

9 Unification The First Dynasty was a theocracy, that lasted about 200 years. During the time of the first dynasty Egyptian territory expanded southward along the Nile River and into Southwest Asia. They also improved irrigation and trade, making Egypt wealthier

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