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A C T S Go Tell the Good     News! Lesson 7  Acts 6:1– 8:1a.

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Presentation on theme: "A C T S Go Tell the Good     News! Lesson 7  Acts 6:1– 8:1a."— Presentation transcript:

1 A C T S Go Tell the Good     News! Lesson 7  Acts 6:1– 8:1a

2 The Apostles deal with the problem of neglected widows (Acts 6:1-6)
A complaint came against the Hebrews by the Hellenists because their widows were neglected. The twelve deal with the issue: They call the disciples together. They explain that serving tables must not take the place of their prime mission which was what? They encourage the saints to seek out seven men filled with the Spirit & wisdom to be appointed for this duty. How did the multitude react to what the apostles said? What do the names of the seven men indicate about their ethnicity? Does the selection process for these men provide any wisdom for churches in selecting elders or deacons?

3 The Theodotus Inscription
Stephen’s preaching brings him into conflict with the Jews (Acts 6:7-15) Stephen (who is not an apostle) does great wonders and signs. Those from the Synagogue of the Freedmen dispute with him. Unable to answer Stephen’s inspired words, they induce false witnesses to accuse him of blasphemy. For the first time in Acts, opposition comes from a source other than the leading Jewish officials. Stephen is brought before the council who see his face as that of an angel. The Theodotus Inscription (1st Century A.D.) “Theodotus, son of Vettanos, a priest and a leader of the synagogue…built the synagogue for the reading of Torah and for teaching the commandments...”

4 Stephen’s inspired synopsis of Jewish History (Acts 7)
God called Abraham and promised to bless his descendants by giving them “this land” (7:2-7) Although Abraham’s descendants would first have to spend 400 years in bondage to another nation. God sealed His promise to Abraham by giving him the sign of circumcision (7:8, Gen. 17:10-14) God worked His providence to move Abraham’s descendants to the land of bondage (7:8b-19)

5 Stephen’s inspired synopsis of Jewish History (Acts 7)
God raised up Moses to deliver Israel (7:20-35) Protecting him as a child. Leading him to Midian. Calling him at the burning bush. First Rejection: "This Moses whom they rejected, saying, 'WHO MADE YOU A RULER AND A JUDGE?' is the one God sent to be a ruler and a deliverer by the hand of the Angel who appeared to him in the bush. (7:35) God delivered Israel through Moses, who promised a future Prophet like himself. (7:36-37)

6 Stephen’s inspired synopsis of Jewish History (Acts 7)
God gave Israel His word through Moses (7:38-41) Second rejection: “Whom our fathers would not obey, but rejected” (7:39) Israel rejected tabernacle worship given them by God in favor of idolatry (7:42-45) Third rejection: “You also took up the tabernacle of Moloch…” But God kept His promise to give them the Land! At David’s request, God allowed Solomon to build Him a dwelling, although no place on earth could contain Him. (7:46-50)

7 Stephen’s charges and the Council’s Reaction (Acts 7)
Stephen charges the Jewish leaders (7:51-53) They are stiff-necked and UNCIRCUMCISED! Like their fathers, they always resist the Holy Spirit. They persecuted the prophets, killed those who prophesied of the coming Christ, and then killed the Christ Himself! They had received the Law, but had not kept it! The council’s reaction (7:54-60) They were cut to the heart! When Stephen testified of seeing Jesus standing at God’s right hand, they cried out, stopped their ears, cast Stephen out of the city and stoned him! They laid their clothes at Saul’s feet.

8 “And they stoned Stephen as he was calling on God and saying, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” Then he knelt down and cried out with a loud voice, “Lord, do not charge them with this sin.” And when he had said this, he fell asleep. (Acts 7:59-60)

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