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Personality Keywords: personality.

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Presentation on theme: "Personality Keywords: personality."— Presentation transcript:

1 Personality Keywords: personality

2 Personality An individual’s unique and relatively consistent patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving. Keywords: personality

3 Personality Theory Attempts to describe and explain how people are similar, how they are different, and why every individual is unique

4 Psychoanalytic Approach
Developed by Sigmund Freud Psychoanalysis is both an approach to therapy and a theory of personality Emphasizes unconscious motivation – the main causes of behavior lie buried in the unconscious mind Keywords: psychoanalytic approach, unconscious motivation Graphics: picture of Freud pg. 420 Myers


6 Psychoanalytic Approach
Conscious – all things we are aware of at any given moment Keywords: conscious, preconscious, unconscious Graphics: fig pg. 475 Hockenbury

7 Psychoanalytic Approach
Preconscious – everything that can, with a little effort, be brought into consciousness Graphics: fig pg. 475 Hockenbury

8 Psychoanalytic Approach
Unconscious – inaccessible warehouse of anxiety-producing thoughts and drives Graphics: fig pg. 475 Hockenbury

9 Id: The Pleasure Principle
Pleasure principle—drive toward immediate gratification, most fundamental human motive Sources of energy Eros—life instinct, perpetuates life Thanatos—death instinct, aggression, self-destructive actions Libido—sexual energy or motivation

10 Ego: The Reality Principle
Reality principle—ability to postpone gratification in accordance with demands of reality Ego—rational, organized, logical, mediator to demands of reality Can repress desires that cannot be met in an acceptable manner

11 Superego: Conscience Internalization of societal and parental values
Partially unconscious Can be harshly punitive using feelings of guilt


13 Unconscious mental processes employed by the ego to reduce anxiety
Defense Mechanisms Keywords: defense mechanisms Unconscious mental processes employed by the ego to reduce anxiety

14 Scenario The rebel of CHS, Brandon, is dating Jasmine. Jasmine dumps Brandon and starts dating Drew, president of the psych club!

15 Repression keeping anxiety-producing thoughts out of the conscious mind When asked about Jasmine, Brandon may say “Who?, I have not thought about her for ages.” Keywords: repression, reaction formation

16 Reaction Formation replacing an unacceptable wish with its opposite
Brandon seems ecstatic that he is not with Jasmine

17 Displacement When a drive directed to one activity by the id is redirected to a more acceptable activity by the ego Brandon may take his anger our on his younger brother rather than Jasmine Keywords: displacement, sublimation

18 Sublimation Displacement to activities that are valued by society
Brandon becomes preoccupied with working out rather than worrying about Jasmine

19 Projection reducing anxiety by attributing unacceptable urges or feelings to someone else Although Brandon is the needy one, he claims that his ex is being needy and clingy Keywords: projection, rationalization, regression

20 Reasoning away anxiety-producing thoughts
Rationalization Reasoning away anxiety-producing thoughts Brandon thinks he will find a better girlfriend. “Jasmine was not all that anyway!”

21 Regression retreating to a mode of behavior characteristic of an earlier stage of development Brandon throws a tantrum because Jasmine doesn’t like him

22 Denial The failure to acknowledge or recognize
Brandon may act like he is still together with Jasmine. He may hang out by her locker and plan dates with her.

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