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Aim Review of Reproduction and development

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Presentation on theme: "Aim Review of Reproduction and development"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim Review of Reproduction and development

2 Types of Animal Reproduction
Asexual ( 1- parent-identical) Sexual (2-parents- leads to variety)

3 How do daughter cells compare in each processes?
Mitosis produces cells which are identical Meiosis produce gametes which are genetically different Asexual reproduction Sexual reproduction

4 When does each occur? Asexual reproduction Tissue repair Growth
Mitosis Meiosis Asexual reproduction Tissue repair Growth Production of sperm cells Production of egg cells (Crossover)

5 Cross-over (Sorting) Process during meiosis (sperm and egg formed) where genes on chromosomes begin to switch causing recombination of genes

6 Fertilization During Fertilization the gametes unite to form the zygote The zygote is also called the fertilized egg 23 + 23 46

7 Female Reproductive System
1. Gamete and hormone production occurs in the ovaries Fertilization occurs in the Fallopian tube Embryo develops in uterus 2. 3. 4. 5.

8 The Zygote 46 Cleavage Contains the full amount of chromosomes
The zygote then divides by mitosis to form a multi-cellular organism Cleavage

9 Cleavage Zygote begins to divide quickly in the fallopian tube in a process called cleavage

10 Zygote migrates down to uterus
The zygote then turns into an embryo It then implants into the lining of the uterus where it develops

11 The Placenta It is the embryos organ of Respiration Nutrition
Excretion Diffusion is process molecules move

12 Environmental Factors that negatively affect the embryo
Tobacco Alcohol Inadequate diet Drugs Infections (viruses)

13 The Zygote 46 Cleavage Contains the full amount of chromosomes
The zygote then divides by mitosis to form a multi-cellular organism Cleavage

14 Early Development Cells form into different major organs. Structures such as the heart, brain, lungs and kidneys begin to form This process is called Differentiation

15 Embryo All major human organ systems are developed in the first three months of pregnancy

16 Embryonic growth Growth of the embryo occurs for the next six months of the pregnancy

17 Two female hormones What structure above produces hormones? A
Estrogen- responsible for egg production and female characteristics such as mammary glands Progesterone- responsible for development of the uterus What structure above produces hormones? A

18 The menstrual cycle The menstrual controlled by the
Ovaries and the pituitary gland

19 Testes Testes Male organ that produces: Sperm (meiosis)
Testosterone (male reproductive hormone) Testes

20 Vas deferens (Tube) The tube that goes from the testes to the penis
If you cut this tube the delivery of sperm will stop Sperm is still produced because the testes are not destroyed Vasectomy

21 Urethra The tube in the penis that is shared by both
the excretory and reproductive system

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