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SPC and Gender Statistics

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1 SPC and Gender Statistics
UNSD-SPC-ADB-UN Regional Workshop on Gender Statistics and Human Rights Reporting 4 – 8 August 2014, Nadi, Fiji SPC and Gender Statistics Linda Petersen Human Development Programme

2 Content What has been done so far Where we are now Where we are heading

3 Background & Rationale
Review outcomes … Beijing Platform for Action, the Regional Platform for Action, Pacific Plan, Leaders Gender Equality Declaration, SIDS, Post-2015. Initiatives … Statistical Indicators for Human Rights Reporting (RRRT); support to countries for gender mainstreaming; gender responsive policies and programmes based on statistics. SPC using statistics for evidence based policy, e.g. culture Integration ... NSOs and NWMs work closely together on with an agreed programme. TYPSS , NSDS’s , Forum Compact … country and region issues and responses. SPC’s work continues to be influenced by regional commitments. There are several, for example the BPA 1995, for which progress on implementation is reviewed every 5 years, currently being reviewed and countries are involved in this. Countries signed up to these commitments. Working at regional level provide support to national efforts guided by countries. Overall rationale is to improve evidence for better policy; gender responsive policies and programmes. Very important focus of our work has been strengthening the relationship between the NSO and NWMs and that is one of the reasons we are all here today. EW has already said this. This in line with other but directly relevant regional developments both in statistics but in the vein of improving development effectiveness both at national and regional level.

4 What has been done so far
2006 SPC began more focused stakeholder engagement on gender statistics 2007, 2013 HOPS endorsed gender statistics framework Beijing +15 review: institutions for gender mainstreaming lack capacity HDP led gender statistics collection and analysis in Vanuatu, Cook Is, Marshall Is, Fiji Is (UN-ESCAP) Providing some training and capacity building to the Solomon Islands Out work dates back to 2006, implementation of the PPA and a strong call from Governments to assist with improving statistics on gender for better policies and programmes; part of concentrated focus on strengthening institutional capacities for gender mainstreaming. This needs was highlighted strongly in the Pacific Beijing +15 review conducted by SPC in line with the global review conducted by the UN. This work has continued with work at country level working with countries that have expressed interest and commitment to taking this forward in line with recommendations from the gender mainstreaming stocktakes.

5 Where we are now Making the link between gender stocktakes, moving on to gender mainstreaming and gender equality policy Focus on strengthening institutions to enable them to implement policies for gender equality across government (planning, statistics, education, health) at the country level RPPA review and Beijing better statistics and reporting on progress Stocktakes – are an assessment of the capacity of governments to mainstream gender; country led interviews and focus groups with a range of stakeholders in the government at senior official level from the national women machinery, line and central ministries, key donor and development partners and women’s organizations of the civil society. A review of the ‘enabling environment’ for gender mainstreaming, including the legal and policy framework, political will, organizational culture, accountability mechanisms, technical capacity and the allocation of resources. NOT an evaluation of the work of government or specific efforts at mainstreaming; Rather it simply identifies the degree to which there is an enabling environment for mainstreaming to take place in a systematic and sustainable way. This is a major focus of our work now and tagged on to this is a strong emphasis on supporting regional national efforts to improve gender statistics across all sectors and areas including for human rights reporting. In order for reviews of progress whether regional or national to be done properly we need better statistics – MDG reports over the years have pointed to this weakness.

6 Where we are heading Country level gender statistics from NSOs, planning offices, NWMs and other agencies Providing assistance to countries committed to regular and timely gender statistics and associated reporting This workshop will inform the TA, training, mentoring, and institutional mechanisms to be developed and rolled out by SPC Regional Gender Atlas 2016 … every two years with ‘briefs’ for specific issues (e.g. FEMM) Working with, supporting the bringing together of country level gender statistics so that they are centralised, regularly updated, able to meet a range of needs for better policy making, review of policy and other developments and reporting. Responding in a country specific way. Using events such as these to continue to support these efforts and tailor our responses so we are being helpful and relevant to your needs. Producing some regional products that may assist these efforts both regionally and internationally building in improvements at country level.


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