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2 4 “Man” Chart Name Meaning of the name Years Approximately
Distinguishing features or way of life Australopithecine Homo Habilis Homo Erectus Homo Sapiens

3 Write down the Theories of Origin.

4 Stone Age Questions: sec1
How did men and women’s roles differ in the Stone Age? Why did Stone Age people move from place to place? What delayed early human migration? How did early people adapt to keep warm in cold places? More important development – language or art? How did Stone Age technology improve over time? What sets apart Homo Sapiens from earlier hominids? Would you work on an archaeological dig? Why/why not? Chart: Discovery Importance Nutcracker Man 1959 Lucy 1974 Laetoli Footprints 1970s Chad fossils 2001

5 MURALS In groups, make a mural about some aspect of life important to you. What would future archaeologists conclude about you? Would it be accurate?

6 ch1Sec2 Neolithic Age. Agriculture. Domestication. Population grew

7 THE STONE AGE (Old Stone Age) Use of simple, chipped stone tools
Paleolithic Era Neolithic Era (Old Stone Age) Use of simple, chipped stone tools Use of fire Development of language Creation of cave paintings and figurines Burial of the dead (New Stone Age) Farming & domestication of plants and animals Polishing of stone tools Settlement of farming villages Increases in types of activities, trade and differences in wealth Pottery, weaving, and the plow

8 Stone Age Questions: Sec2
What new tools and technologies did early humans develop during the New Stone Age? What is the difference between the Old Stone Age and the New Stone Age? What are their names? How did early agriculture develop and spread? What is domestication? And why is it useful? What was the first animal to be domesticated, according to scientists? Would you be a hunter-gatherer or a farmer? Why? How did religion become formalized during the Neolithic Age? How did farming lead to the development of towns?

9 CIVILIZATION Government. Religion. Division of Labor. Social Classes. Writing. Art/Architecture. Defense. Taxes. Rules. Laws. Justice. Planning. Decision making. Cooperation Authority. Power. Guidance. Rituals. Ceremony. New jobs. Hierarchy. Artisans. Permanent Records. Trade and taxes. Calendars. Symbols. Job. Wealth. Influence. Ruler. Priest. Nobles. Merchant. Artisans. Farmer. Unskilled Worker. Slaves. Cultural. Power. Prestige.

10 THEMES of HISTORY Humans/Environment (Technology) Culture
Expansion/Conflict (Politics) Economics Social Structure (Society)

11 Sec3 Questions: Why does conflict/war come about?
How is technology transferred? What are the +/- with movement: trade, migration and conquest? Why did nomads not settle into civilizations?

12 HW: Create a “recipe” for a civilization using the “ingredients” mentioned in Ch1Sec3. Step by step instructions included.

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