Purpose of a Persuasive Essay

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Presentation on theme: "Purpose of a Persuasive Essay"— Presentation transcript:

1 Purpose of a Persuasive Essay
To take a stand on an issue in order to persuade your reader to think your stand is best. Appeals to moral, logical, and emotional reasons.

2 Introductory Paragraph
Start with an “Attention Grabber” Rhetorical question, bold statement, statistic, or anecdote Give overview of issue or state your three points to be elaborated in the body paragraphs End with your thesis statement. (A thesis statement is the stand you are taking stated in a complete sentence.)

3 Body Paragraphs Start with a good transition word or phrase.
State your topic sentence with your main point. Elaborate with details, evidence, or anecdote. In one body paragraph, state the Counter Argument. The counter argument is the other side of the argument. You must state this argument in order to discredit this view. Make sure to use an authoritative tone and persuasive voice.

4 Closing Paragraph End with a summary of your three main points reworded. Do not introduce new ideas. End with a strong clincher, your last chance to persuade your audience. This can be a bold statement or claim. Do not write a question with the word YOU in the question! “Have you ever…..?” Or “What do you think?“ is not appropriate.

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