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Unit 36: Internet Server Management

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1 Unit 36: Internet Server Management
Unit 4 Project Design, Implementation and Evaluation HND in Computing and Systems Development Unit 36: Internet Server Management

2 LO1: Understand internet technologies
Internet technologies and communication protocols: √√√ Internet services: √ Networking technologies and concepts:

3 internetworking servers
Give a brief description of each of these internetworking servers, including features and examples. What are their strengths? What are their weaknesses? ISP (Internet Service Provider), World Wide Web, FTP (File Transmission Protocol), database servers, e-Commerce servers, news servers, servers, proxy servers, media servers, directory servers

4 Networking technologies - devices
Give a brief description of each of these devices, including features and examples. What are their strengths? What are their weaknesses? hub, switch routers

5 Networking concepts - network management concerns
Consider these aspects of network management. How are they related to each other? How important are they? client/server environment, user and group management, resources management, security, network attacks, firewall, ethical and legal issues, servers and server performances, user access issues

6 network management concerns
Considering the aspects from the previous slide, recommend measures to ensure: Network security Network reliability Network performance.

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