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Scientific Method Unit

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1 Scientific Method Unit

2 Science-knowledge gained by observing the natural world; Learning about everything and how it works
Scientific method-Steps followed to solve problems Observation-obtaining information using the 5 senses Hypothesis-possible answer to a question that can be tested

3 Variable-factor that can be changed in an experiment
Data-information gathered through observation or experimentation Model-representation of an object or system Theory-an explanation that is supported by testing

4 Law-summary of many results and observations, tells how things work
Technology-products and processes designed to serve our needs Engineering-process of creating technology Intended benefit-technology being used to benefit society (doing what it is suppose to do)

5 Unintended Consequences-uses or results the engineers do not purposely include in the design
(It could be a positive consequence or a negative one) Bioengineering-the application of engineering to living things, such as humans or plants

6 Types of Bioengineering
Adaptive-engineering that changes the process of a living organism (Laser eye surgery, new strains of corn crops) Assistive-engineering that helps the living organism without changing it (Wheel chairs, or eye glasses)

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