Social Entrepreneurship Network

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Presentation on theme: "Social Entrepreneurship Network"— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Entrepreneurship Network

2 2009-2012 BFSE Better Future for the Social Economy
7 countries: PL, CZ, BEnl, IT-Lom, SE, FI, UKen budget €435,000

3 5 strands community law & SSGIs measuring social added value
socially responsible public procurement & public-social partnership social franchising financial instruments

4 BFSE products guidance on state aid tool to measure social value
good practice in procurement social franchising directory, case studies & financing report analysis of finance tools

5 BFSE recommendations partnership framework (transparency, pluralism)
integrated strategic approach (institutions, knowledge, business development, finance) use Structural Funds

6 Building blocks

7 2013-2014 SEN partnership principle: MAs + SE organisations
9 countries: PL, BEnl, CY, CZ, EL, FI, IT+Lombardy+Trento, SE, UKen, UKsc budget €515,000

8 SEN objectives deep, shared understanding of options for comprehensive SE support MAs prepared to implement in SE organisations primed to help a working relationship

9 SEN work programme Products
warm-up meeting 5 peer review cycles (15 GPs) dissemination conference Products clickable matrix of good practice policy recommendations structural partnership

10 SEN meetings warm-up (Warsaw) governance (Trento) start-up (Athens)
growth (Sweden) finance (Warsaw) outreach (Cyprus) dissemination (Brussels)

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