Associate Provost for Graduate and Professional Studies

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Presentation on theme: "Associate Provost for Graduate and Professional Studies"— Presentation transcript:

1 Associate Provost for Graduate and Professional Studies
Developing and Implementing a Systematic and Sustainable Assessment Process Dr. Kathryn Doherty Associate Provost for Graduate and Professional Studies

2 Today’s Outcomes Define and apply best practice in assessment planning
Review Goucher College expectations for assessment Explore the Assessment Process Discuss Assessment that you are already doing Review Program Outcomes Define assessment methods Develop an assessment timeline Q & A

3 What is Assessment? What is Sustainable Assessment?
What Do You Know? What Are You Already Doing? What is your definition? Where did it come from? How is it relevant to your work? How does it compare to others?

4 How Do We Define Assessment?
What? Who? Why? How? What Are We Doing, What Will We Find Out and Where Can We Improve?

5 Is there an Official Definition of Assessment?
Assessment is the systematic collection, review, and use of information about educational programs undertaken for the purpose of improving student learning and development. Assessment Essentials: planning, implementing, and improving assessment in higher education by Palomba and Banta 1999

6 What is Program Assessment Officially?
A process used to provide a program with feedback on its performance with the intent of helping to improve the program and, in particular, to improve student learning.

7 What Is Program Assessment in Your Program?
Everything you already do.

8 What is the Program Assessment Process at Goucher?
Develop outcomes in keeping with college and division cascades Provide opportunities to achieve those outcomes Assess accomplishment of those outcomes Use results for improvement and resources Report on findings and design action steps Revise goals and outcomes

9 Step 1: Where Do We Begin? Division-Level Program-Level
Division Cascade Associated Outcomes Assessment methods Information for Improvement Program Outcomes and Course Outcomes Assessment methods Information for improvement Appendix 5: Program Survey

10 Step 2: Understanding Your Assessment Process
Link to the Division Cascade Identift anticipated Outcomes Align with what you already do Build on course Outcomes Specify actions to accomplish Outcomes Utilize appropriate Assessment Methods/Tools Determine where to Assess Determine when to Assess Determine Responsible Party Set a Deadline for Submission and Implementation Figure 2: Program and Course Goals

11 Step 3: Developing Your Assessment Plan
What are your Program Outcomes? How are you currently Assessing your Outcomes? What have you found out? How do you Know? Which Improvements do you need to make? How can we make this process Systematic and Sustainable moving forward? (Your Plan) Appendix 6: Learning Goals and Assessment Techniques

12 Step 4: Selecting Your Method
Direct Methods of Assessment Indirect Methods of Assessment Figure 5: Examples of Measures

13 Step 5: Using Assessment Methods
Direct Methods of Assessment Indirect Methods of Assessment Rubrics Exams with Test Blueprints Performance Clinical Work Classroom Assessment Techniques Portfolios Capstone Courses Surveys Self-Evaluations Grades Course Evaluations Student Interviews Student Reflection or Journal

14 Step 6: Preparing Your Assessment Report
Start with Learning Outcomes Describe Assessment Outcomes Identify Actions completed to meet outcomes Summarize Assessment Results Identify Improvements needed Outline Resources required List Steps to accomplish improvements Establish Assessment for next Cycle Draft Unit Assessment Report Template

15 How Do You Get Started? Review Program Outcomes
Discuss and agree upon your Program Outcomes Identify Opportunities and Actions to Assess Discuss how you currently Measure these Outcomes Discuss if there is a Systematic and Sustainable Process Determine Measures, and Timeline Identify Assessment Coordinator for your Program Develop and approve Assessment Plan with Timeline and Responsibility Implement the Plan

16 Who Will Help: The Institutional Assessment Team (IAT)
Representatives for all units Academic and Administrative Reviews plans and reports Provides feedback on plans and reports Summarizes results into annual report Serves as resource to faculty and staff engaged in assessment

17 Questions?

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