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Agenda Warm UP Discussion: Outcomes of World War II

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1 Agenda Warm UP Discussion: Outcomes of World War II
3. End of WWII Google Classroom Assignment HW: Finish End of WWII

2 Warm Up How did the War in Europe end? How did the War in Japan end?
Prediction: What happens to Germany after WWII?

3 Outcomes of WWII

4 Results of WWII Loss of European Empires Two Super Powers: US vs USSR
War Crime Trials United Nations (UN), NATO, Warsaw Pact created Universal Declaration of Human Rights Marshall Plan

5 Reconstructing Europe
Germany and Berlin divided into east and west. West: Capitalism (democracy) East: Communism Soviet Union controls East US, Britain, & France control West Rebuilding throughout all of Europe War devastated cities and countryside


7 Rebuilding Japan US Occupies Japan Inserts Democracy to Japan
Reduces Japanese military, guarantees US protection Japan’s economy grows Becomes dominant democracy in Asia Rebuilding landscape Medical aid for A Bomb victims

8 International Cooperative Organizations
United Nations (UN) Replaced League of Nations World Wide cooperation and peace North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Defense alliance: US, Canada, & Western Europe (democracies) Warsaw Pact Defense alliance: Soviets and Eastern countries (communists)

9 Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Made by UN members Response to the Holocaust A humane code of conduct for the treatment of the human race in times of war and peace

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