ASTRail project presentation

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Presentation on theme: "ASTRail project presentation"— Presentation transcript:

1 ASTRail project presentation
17th April 2018 ASTRail project presentation Transport Research Arena 2018 , Wien Maurizio Spirito Head of Emerging Trends and Opportunities Function, ISMB, Italy

2 ASTRail overview SAtellite-based Signalling and Automation SysTems on Railways along with formal Method ad Moving Block Validation (ASTRail) Call: S2R JU Call for Proposals 2017 Topic: S2R-OC-IP Research and Innovation Action Grant Agreement n° Start date 1st September 2017 Duration 24 months Website Twitter account ASTRail project presentation 17/04/2018

3 ASTRail scope Enhance signalling and ease automation of Railways leveraging cutting-edge technologies from different sectors and taking in particular care safety and performance issues Hazard analysis of Moving Block Signalling system Perform Hazard Analysis of the railway system examining safety level of Moving Block Signalling System operating without trackside detection GNSS technology into the ERTMS Signalling System Transfer the knowledge from the avionic sector to the application of fail-safe moving block localisation Automatic driving technologies insight from automotive sector Formal languages and methods for the railway field Identify the most suitable technologies to be implemented in the railway field for performing automated driving Identify the most promising formal and semi-formal methods for the different development phases of railway equipment ASTRail project presentation 17/04/2018

4 ASTRail consortium Six partners from four different countries
Union des Industries Ferroviaires Européennes Project coordinator Non-profit organization Istituto Superiore Mario Boella Research Institute École Nationale de l'Aviation Civile University SIRTI S.p.A. Large Enterprise Ardanuy Ingeneria S.A. Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Research Institute Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche ASTRail project presentation 17/04/2018

5 ASTRail Work packages Technical Work Packages Administrative
WP1 – Introducing GNSS technology in the railway sector – ENAC WP2 – Safety analysis of Moving block signalling system – Ardanuy Technical Work Packages WP3 – Automatic driving technologies for railways – ISMB WP4 – Formal Methods for the railway field – CNR WP5 – Dissemination, Exploitation/Impact Management and Cooperation with Shift2Rail – UNIFE Administrative Work Packages WP6 – Project management and coordination – ISMB ASTRail project presentation 17/04/2018

6 ASTRail timing 24 months 6 months 6 months 24 months 9 - 17 10 11 12 1
18 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 19 WP1 GNSS technology in the railway sector WP2 Safety analysis of Moving block WP3 Automatic driving technologies WP4 Formal Methods for the railway field 24 months 6 months 6 months 24 months ASTRail project presentation 17/04/2018

7 WP1 - Introducing GNSS technology in the railway sector overview
Main Objective Analyse and transfer the applicable requirements and solutions of GNSS technology from the Aviation domain to the Railway domain Progress & Results Aeronautical standards review Deliverable issued GNSS local error modelling Currently working on review of augmentation system integrity options identification of ERTMS hazards associated with GNSS faults and definition of possible mitigation strategies selection and definition of a GNSS-centric architecture and related algorithms ASTRail project presentation 17/04/2018

8 WP2 - Safety analysis of Moving block signalling system
Main Objective Examine the safety level of a Moving Block system in view of complete removal of trackside detection Results WP ended last February two deliverables issued as output of this WP First deliverable provides a model of the Moving Block Signalling system analysis of the behaviour of the system model definition of system use cases for safety analysis Second deliverable introduces the Hazard Analysis of the Moving Block Signalling system identification of Hazards and evaluation of Safety Level of Moving Block Signalling system description of Safety Related Application Conditions for operational procedures and maintenance activities ASTRail project presentation 17/04/2018

9 WP3 - Automatic driving technologies for railways
Main Objective Identify automatic driving technologies from other application fields suited for Automatic Train Operations (ATO) Results WP ended last February two deliverables issued as output of this WP First deliverable reports the survey on the State of the Art automated driving technologies of different application fields automotive sector, agriculture, maritime transportation, … Second deliverable provides the assessment of which automatic driving technologies are suited to be reused in the rail field implementation and operation characteristics of ATO have been analysed for the assessment ASTRail project presentation 17/04/2018

10 WP4 - Formal Methods for the railway field
Main Objective Identify the most suitable formal/semi-formal languages and methods to be applied in the development process of railway applications Progress & Results Review of the main formal modelling and verification languages and tools used in industrial railway applications deliverable at the end of May Current and next steps refine and rank identified languages and tools trial application and validation of selected languages and tools by modelling the Moving Block signalling system ASTRail project presentation 17/04/2018

11 Thank you! CONTACTS Project Coordinator Riccardo Scopigno
Head of Multi-Layer Wireless solutions (MLW) Research Area Istituto Superiore Mario Boella This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No Call identifier: H2020-S2RJU-2017 Topic: S2R-OC-IP – Operational conditions of the signalling and automation systems; signalling system hazard analysis and GNSS SIS characterization along with Formal Method application in railway field via P.C. Boggio Torino Website Twitter account

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