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The 1st International Open Science Conference

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1 The 1st International Open Science Conference
The Vibraimage World VIBRA_M SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION AND APPLICATION Good afternoon, dear friends. Today I want to tell you about new application of vibraimage technology and about new capabilities for customers and sellers. I will speak about new type of programs, that can work online. And the main principle – program if free, result – on the web-site is for sale. Also I`ll tell you, how to make your own application using VibraM SDK and how to integrate it with online-server. So, let`s begin. Valeriy Akimov, Sergey Didenko Elsys Corp, Russia, Saint Petersburg

2 Introduction Offline versions: buy program – make as many as you want results Online versions: program if free, result-on web-site is for sale. I think, that all of us know about testing Result for mental-functional state and how to use it. You can get it, when you work with pro version of VI, Med version. As you remember, in this case, the way to get this report looks like this: first, you need to buy program, install it, run and make settings and after that – make measurements. So, for example, you want to get 5 reports. I don`t know why – it`s just for example. In this case, buy VI PRO version to get one report will be expensive, I think. Also, you can buy lite version with this functions. But in this case, first step – buy program, next-get result. And in this case, you can make as many as you want reports. We want to present new principle: program is free, report – for sale, and make new online versions. What`s the difference between offline and online?

3 Offline and online Offline versions – all processing by device
VibraMed (Windows) VibraMA (Android) Online versions: VibraMOL for Windows VibraMO for Android Main feature for offline versions – program if free. Report – on the web-site. And the main difference – is data processing. Offline versions for Windows or for Android process data on user device and after that show results. So, you don`t need to have internet connection after first launch in this case to get report. Offline program gathering information, process it and show result immediately. But online versions, programs gather parameters during the measurements, pack it to special protected file and send it to special server. After that server open this result, process it and can show report or send report. That`s why we can make this program free. We need to use server to open results of measurements and process it. Ok, I think it will be much more understandable, if I`ll show you how it works.

4 How to use online versions
Register on web-site VIBRABRAIN.COM We have a web-site And the first step is registration on this web-site. It`s standard form: you need to enter you login, password and . You must remember login and password, because You will need to use it to open program and to see results. If you will forgot your password – you can restore it. And password for program will be restored too. It`s one password and for web-site, and for program. So, first step is registration.

5 How to use online versions
2. Download – Install – Run Next step that you need to do is download program from web-site. Go to download page and select version – for Windows or for Android. Of course, you can download both versions and use your login and password. After that, standard installation for Windows and for Android. Just follow the instructions. After that, enter your login and password: same like you enter during registration on web-site. You need to have Internet-connection when you use online versions. First reason is online authorization, second – upload results to web-server.

6 How to use online 3. Make a measurements
Next step is usual for online and offline programs. You must set up the camera, make settings for this, check quality and start measurements. In case of using android application, you must put mobile phone to the special holder, also make settings, check the quality and start measurements. After gathering information, program will upload result to server.

7 How to use online 4. Go to your profile and activate result to see it
Next. You need to go to, and login to web-site. Here you will see, that result appear in your profile. Also you will see your balance. For example, 20 points. To open this result, you must push “Get Report” button.

8 How to use online In this case, you need to confirm, than you want to open report. Price for 1 report is 20 coins in this case. To add coins for balance, you can use credit card. After confirmation you can push “See result” button, system will redirect you to the page with report. Now you can see this report from your profile, when you want.

9 How to use online for Android
.APK So, what about android version? All operations are same like for Windows program. Just download .apk file from “downloads” and follow the instructions. You need to permit access to camera and for media. Also, you need to have internet-connection. I want to say again, that you can download program for windows and program for android. All reports will appear in your profile. It`s easy and useful. In this case you always can open report from any computer or device with internet-connection.

10 SDK for online The best way to make your own application for Android and integrate it with your web-site. SDK contains: AAR library “jni-release” Vibraimage processing and M statistics. Proprietary software. VibraM java example A simple example for demonstrating the functionality of SDK. WEB site example Receive and decode results using Elsys authentication. So, now we know about online versions and know how use it. And I want to speak about our new SDK for online versions. Using this SDK you can build your own android application with any interface that you want. Just integrate it with special AAR library for VibraImage processing and gathering information for M-statistics and reports. It`s simple – our library with processing – your interface and application. This SDK contains full source of our VibraMO application. This is good and simple sample for developers. Also, SDK include sample for integration with web-server.

11 Your own Android App Java Code VI library Communication inside APP
Authentication info: (login, password, site URLs) Captured video frames and configuration Vibraimage frames and real-time parameters Start measure command How it works? This is your application. Just app. From your interface AAR library will receive user login and password, settings and video frames. Fro, AAR library, you will receive VibraImage frames (aura, vibraimage) and real-time parameters. Also, you must send signal to AAR library to start measurement. After that library will process data and build protected report. Java Code VI library Progress state ZIP encoded results and URL with auth. info.

12 Your own APP Create your APP with special interface and VI processing functions. Video capturing, display Vibraimage video and real-time parameters, configuration, measurements – all in your app. So, it`s fast and useful. You can create your APP with special interface and VI processing functions. But, now we have application and protected reports. What`s next? Next step – is integration with server.

13 Your web-site Web-site Elsys`s server User Interface for user browser
Processing and unpack reports from users User VibraM, Browser We have three objects: user, your web-site and Elsys`s server. User can download your application for Android and use it. Also, user can use browser from PC or from mobile phone to register on web-site and see results. Web-site. In this case, this is your site. You must make your oun web-site like You must make authorization on this site. So user will register on this site and will use it to get result. You can make your oun interface for this web-site and use your own prices for reports and use your acquiring. Elsys`s server get protected result from your web-site, process it and send result back to your web-site. Let`s see how it work.

14 Integrate APP with web-server
First way Authentication info: (login, password) (HTTP GET) Authentication results (HTTP answer) ZIP encoded results (HTTP GET,POST) Receive status (HTTP answer) Decoding request (HTTP GET) User Decode ZIP data. Store XML files to local database ZIP password or error code You can choose one of two ways of integration. First way: you will store report file on your web-site. Code for open this result you will get immediately after user finish measurements. After that you will decode result and store it on your web-server. Web-site Elsys`s server Request to display results HTML formatted results (HTTP answer)

15 Integrate APP with web-server
Second way Authentication info: (login, password) (HTTP GET) Store ZIP data to local database Authentication results (HTTP answer) ZIP encoded results (HTTP GET,POST) Receive status (HTTP answer) Decoding request (HTTP GET) Request to display results User Second way is similar, but in this case you will get code for report only when user push «get result» button on your web site. So you can choose best way for you. As you understand during first part of our presentation, I was speaking about second way of integration. Elsys`s server ZIP password or error code Web-site Decode ZIP data from DB. Store XML files to local database HTML formatted results (HTTP answer)

16 Personal data and privacy
We use information about users in accordance with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) We will never collect sensitive information about user without explicit consent. The information we hold will be accurate. As you know, safety of private information is very important question in the word. For example, new law in EU: GDPR. It aims primarily to give control to citizens and residents over their personal data and to simplify the regulatory environment for business by unifying the regulation within the EU. A processor of personal data must clearly disclose any data collection, declare the lawful basis and purpose for data processing, how long data is being retained, and if it is being shared with any third-parties or outside of the EU. So, we work in accordance with this law.

17 Summary Online versions – new way of VibraImage distribution. SDK – is simple and fast way to build application with VI processing and online-connection with your web-site. Online versions are a new way for vibraimage application distribution and application. SDK – is simple and fast way to build application with VI processing and online-connection with your web-site. Just make your own application using VibraM SDK and integrate it with online-server.

18 Thanks for the attention!
Valeriy Akimov Head of Software Elsys Corp, Saint Petersburg, Russia Sergey Didenko Software engineer, Software Elsys Corp, Thank you for the attention.

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