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The House on Mango Street

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1 The House on Mango Street

2 Anticipation Guide Read each statement carefully. Thoughtfully decide whether you agree or disagree with that statement. Explain why you agree/disagree. Be prepared to discuss your answers.

3 It is most healthy for people to live around others of their own race.
It is easy to judge someone by the kind of clothes they wear. The United States government should not allow any more people to immigrate to the U.S. Parents do not understand the problems that teenagers face today. People with money usually have more friends.

4 Immigrants from Mexico do not do well in American schools.
Home is a safe place. It is hard to be good friends with people who are different from you. Kids who are raised in “slums” usually end up drinking, doing drugs, and running with gangs. It is difficult for guys and girls to be good friends if they are not romantically interested in each other.

5 Definitions Symbol- A symbol is a person, place, or thing comes to represent an abstract idea or concept -- it is anything that stands for something beyond itself. Vignette-A vignette is a short, well written sketch or descriptive scene. It does not have a plot which would make it a story, but it does reveal something about the the elements in it. It may reveal character, or mood or tone. It may have a theme or idea of its own that it wants to convey. It is the description of the scene or character that is important. 

6 Bildungsroman- A bildungsroman is a novel that traces the development of a character from childhood to adulthood, through a quest for identity that leads him or her to maturity. a coming of age story. The novel usually involves the maturation and/or development of the main character. This development may take place through a sexual or social encounters.

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