Section 504 Training- Teachers

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1 Section 504 Training- Teachers
Your Role in Section 504

2 What is §504? §504 refers to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and The ADA Amendment Act of It is a public-mandated policy prohibiting discrimination on the basis of disability in classrooms, extra-curricular activities or any programs of school districts. What is the purpose of 504? The purpose of §504 is to prohibit discrimination and to assure that disabled students have educational opportunities and benefits equal to those provided to non-disabled students. **Level the playing field**

3 Child find 504 mirrors IDEA – All educators have a duty to locate, evaluate & identify students who may have disability and need services through special education or 504 Weakness ≠ Disability under 504 Persistent discipline issues, especially in early childhood, should be evaluated to see if they are related to a disability KEM

4 Who is served through §504? Eligible student is a person who: (1) has (2) has a record of having or is (3) regarded as having a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity. Functions of the: Immune system Normal cell growth Digestive Bowel Bladder Neurological Brain Respiratory Circulatory Endocrine Reproductive Major life activities Caring for oneself Performing manual tasks Bending Speaking Seeing Breathing Hearing Learning Eating Reading Sleeping Concentrating Walking Thinking Standing Communicating Lifting Working

5 REFERRALS Referral - Can be from anyone Two options
Teacher or other School Personnel Parent / Family member Physician Must always have on our radar Two options Complete a 504 evaluation (with parental consent) Send a refusal letter with the reason for not evaluating AND a copy of the Notice of Rights

6 504 Service PLan Decided on by the 504 committee
All take place in general education Cannot alter the curriculum STAAR Accommodations - must routinely receive during the school year to have on state  assessments NOT Optional

7 How to find your service Plans in aware
Instructions to see your 504 students in Eduphoria: 1.       Log in to Eduphoria 2.       Click the student tab 3.       Student Forms 4.       504 Forms 5.       Click the 504 Forms dropdown and hit SEARCH 6.       Your list of 504 students will populate 7.       Click on the student's name 8.       Click the FORMS tab 9.       Open 504 form. Once you open this form, AWARE will timestamp that you viewed the plan. Students can also be identified with a 5 in Skyward.

8 Your Role Before the 504 Meeting
Complete teacher input forms and submit them to the school counselor/504 campus coordinator. Please keep input appropriate and helpful as it will be part of the student’s record. Please complete by the due date. Prepare to give input to parents in the meeting.

9 Your Role During The Meeting
You are a member of the committee, and often the person or persons at your school that know the student best. Your thoughts and input are extremely important and valued. Share, as appropriate, both data and anecdotal information with the committee that is pertinent to their disability, academic achievement, and their overall wellbeing in your class. Participate as a member of the committee that is making decisions on behalf of a student. Every decision in 504 is a committee decision, so your participation is vital to the process.

10 Your Role After The Meeting:
View and file the new services plan, and begin implementing the new accommodations in your classroom within one week. Monitor the student’s progress and how the plan seems to be working. If you have concerns or see the need for an adjustment to the plan, talk with the counselor/campus coordinator. Remember, you cannot change a 504 services plan outside of a 504 meeting, the services plan must be followed as written in every class, including G/T, Pre-AP, and AP courses.

11 Expectations - Requirements
In order to be in compliance with §504 Policy, which is attached to federal law, you must: Verify receipt of the 504 Services Plan in a timely manner. Failure to do can be problematic should there be any question as to whether a student is receiving their accommodations. This verification is your documentation that you are in compliance with the law. File and Implement the most current 504 Plan for each identified student in your class. Submit your teacher input forms. This is another form of documentation that shows your due diligence in implementing service plans and monitoring your students’ progress.

12 Expectations – Requirements – Cont’d
Attend 504 Meetings – this is not optional, we are required to have a committee of knowledgeable persons, including teachers. Participate during 504 meetings, you are a member of the committee.

13 Sample Service plan

14 Sample Service PLan

15 Sample Service plan


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