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Institutionalizing transformation

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1 Institutionalizing transformation
Update on CHARGE results and future plans

2 Outline CHARGE Overview CHARGE Results Institutionalization
Goals CHARGE Results CHARGE & Cornerstone Plan Enhancement Grants Faculty & Candidate Guide Dual Career DDI in the College, Pilot Institutionalization Purpose & Model Efforts to Date Academic Search Portal Faculty Search Seminar Moving Forward Faculty Role

3 CHARGE GOALS & Projects
Goal 1, 21st Century Departments: To strengthen and support departmental efforts to create a positive environment for all faculty with an emphasis on women and minorities Advocates & Allies/DDI in the College* Training Chairs and Deans P&T Policy Review (SEAS)* Goal 2, Recruitment & Hiring: To increase the gender diversity of STEM/SBE departments Faculty Search Seminar Academic Search Portal Faculty & Candidate Guide* Recruitment Grants Goal 3, Voices & Visibility: To increase the sense of belonging of STEM/SBE women faculty among their schools and departments Social Science Research: Safer Grounds Oral Histories with STEM Women Faculty Photo Exhibit on Women STEM Faculty Enhancement Grants Here is what the program looks like now; we’ve realigned projects under the 3 goals; each goal has better synergy across each other; In many ways working toward goals 1 and 2 support goals 3 New projects are starred Overview Results Sustainability

4 CHARGE Results Now let’s turn to some of CHARGE accomplishments

5 CHARGE contributions to Cornerstone Plan
Pillar 4: Assemble & Support a Distinguishing Faculty Safer Grounds Project: retention & productivity Enhancement Grants: retention & productivity DDI: faculty searches, diversity, retention Faculty Search Seminars: best practices in faculty searches; diversity of candidate pools Academic Search Portal: best practices in faculty searches, diversity of candidate pools Recruitment Grants: diversity of the interview pool Tournament of Ideas & Follow-on Activities: dual career solutions Faculty & Candidate Guide: getting candidates to “yes” Overview Results Sustainability

6 Enhancement grants Overview Results Sustainability Grants
Address issue of documented longer time in rank for women faculty Grants up to $5000 for career development and advancement 23 awarded to date; 9 reports submitted Results Awardees expand their research networks, enter new research areas and take risks, collaborate on new grants Report they feel valued and visible at UVA and in field More positive toward career & institution Overview Results Sustainability

7 Enhancement grants Overview Results Sustainability
“This funding was essential to help me keep my work (and therefore me) visible at a time in my life where it is easy to fade into the scientific background due to my family responsibilities. I was subsequently awarded an NSF grant to continue this project, and I suspect that the visibility that the Enhancement funds helped to provide was important in this process.” –Kelsey Johnson, Assoc. Prof. of Astronomy In their own words, Kelsey went on to take over as lead of this initiative Overview Results Sustainability

8 Overview Results Sustainability 2,818 page views since Sept. 1, 2015
Users 51% male; 49% female 75% are new users 43% in VA, also CA, NY, NC, MD, MI, DC, FL, PA Most popular pages Working at UVA Living in C’ville Now mobile friendly! 30% of all website traffic People are coming here directly from links we sent or from the University home page; not even starting at our homepage The most popular elements of the guide are: working at UVA; living in c’ville and the index Countries: China, France, Spain, India, Switzerland, germany, Italy, Malaysia Overview Results Sustainability

9 Directors of Diversity & Inclusion
New Project NSF recommended Allies & Advocates project after site visit Began at UVA August 2015 College Partner and Model Had proposal for similar project Partnership to implement DDI as model College, CHARGE, Provost Office Structure & Purpose 1 faculty member in each department Formal position at Director level Serve 3 years, last year mentor new DDI Governance structure elected May Priorities: faculty searches, hiring, and retention Medical School Similar Project Partnering to create networked community of practice CAROL COULD TAKE OVER HERE Medical school: Assoc Dean for Diversity, Greg Townsend, started similar project in the med school independent of CHARGE and the College; now partnering to leverage resources and training, create networked community of practice. Overview Results Sustainability

10 Dual Career Solutions Overview Results Sustainability Challenge CHARGE
Increase in offers made to women, but women not accepting offers CHARGE Tournament of Ideas: Dual Career Solutions Grant proposal to Jefferson Trust to create telework center in WorkSpace 2.0 Supported by Provost, 9 Deans Dual Career Survey 25% of faculty responded to dual career survey Identified support & resource needs, culture change, use of telework center Provost Office Director of Dual Career Programs New position created by Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs, Kerry Abrams Candidates interviewed; selection process beginning; incorporating survey results and Provost data into new program services Overview Results Sustainability

11 Institutionalization of CHARGE PROJECTS
So let’s take a look at some of these challenges and how we are addressing them Carol:

12 Institutionalization
Purpose: NSF requires ADVANCE projects to be institutionalized by the end of the grant Make change sustainable Expand change beyond STEM departments to entire university CHARGE Sustainability Model: Decentralized; projects woven into existing systems & units Internal Advisory Board (IAB) leading institutionalization Chair, Kerry Abrams, Vice-Provost for Faculty Affairs Members: faculty, Assoc. Deans of Diversity, UHR, administrators Creating formal mechanisms and sustainability plans First Projects to institutionalize Faculty Search Seminar Academic Search Portal—now on the Provost server The search portal works in concert with the faculty search seminars---also Part of Goal 2- Recruitment and Hiring Overview Results Sustainability

13 Faculty search seminars
2013 to 2015 299 attendees, 54% female; 82% faculty; 58% STEM/SBE Workshops on recognizing & mitigating implicit bias, best practices in searches; search committee dynamics Open to all faculty 2015 results: 82% of attendees reported they would use criteria to evaluate candidates 86% of attendees did use criteria to evaluate candidates Sustainability Working group of faculty and administrators developing 2016 workshop and long-term curriculum GET INVOLVED: join the working group and help institutionalize change across the university This year did a follow up survey to see how attendees were using the knowledge and skills they gained at the seminar 86% reported they were able to recognize their own biases during the search process And 82% said they would use criteria while 86% did use criteria to evaluate candidates Overview Results Sustainability

14 Academic Search Portal
Launched September 2014 Dissemination Shared w/ADVANCE community Sustainability Migrated to Provost server Managed by Provost Office Updated to include non-STEM departments 2 required trainings streamlined and merged Overview Results Sustainability

15 Faculty role Overview Results Sustainability
CHARGE is looking for faculty to support our efforts. You can: Join the Faculty Search Seminar Working Group Support the IAB in institutionalizing the remaining projects Be an advocate in your department For more information, contact: Overview Results Sustainability

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