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Cyrano de Bergerac Act I Vocabulary.

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Presentation on theme: "Cyrano de Bergerac Act I Vocabulary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cyrano de Bergerac Act I Vocabulary

2 Burghers – middle-class citizens (bourgeois); merchants

3 Foils – fencing swords

4 Lackeys – low-level servants

5 Marquises – noblemen who rank one below the ranking of a duke

6 Proscenium – an area of a theater between the orchestra and the curtain

7 Coquettish – flirtatious

8 Duenna – a governess; chaperone

9 Ode – a type of lyric poem usually addressed directly to a particular idea or object

10 Incredulously – skeptically; in disbelief

11 Obsequious – submissive, fawning

12 Pastoral – pertaining to the pleasant country life; rural

13 Viscount – a nobleman whose rank is one below that of an earl

14 Affable – pleasant, friendly

15 Farce – a comedic play containing much slapstick and a far-fetched plot

16 Pedantic – excessively wordy in a pretentious way

17 Protuberance – something that projects outward; a lump or bulge

18 Sublime – inspiring; of the highest moral worth

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